June 25th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: Since Mikael added last-minute changes to the video, how definite are the map changes?

June 25th, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: Since Mikael added last-minute changes to the video, how definite are the map changes?


Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-Xv_O9Fc_r_k">[https://youtu.be/Xv_O9Fc_r_k YouTube - June 25th, 2024 Livestream - Q&A: Since Mikael added last-minute changes to the video, how definite are the map changes?]</ref>



since make l two rather significant last CH minute changes in the latest video how definite are the maps recipes you showed fairly that's what I mean like if if we need to update them we will let you guys know and update the maps on on the site so but I don't think we will need to no because I can maybe I'm going to go and thread a very slightly thin eyes here and, forward something Ross told me which is that if anything else happens to know that are currently used in the game it will most likely if not definitely only be additions not removal, and I guess like also the topic of the video by the way was the whole thing with like whether people should wait or not, the last thing I want to mention also is that like, when it comes to unlocking stuff that will be a bit broken if you play on an old sa file and I'm not broken in the sense that like you will need to unlock stuff again because we changed like where you unlock trains in the in the, recipes, I believe that like you also unlock signaling separately or maybe you did that in the original game as well, I'm just I think I'm just basing the top of my head I should probably read from the script, but yeah like some some unlocks, in the game will be like res reset because they they're new and like even though you've unlocked them already so they you might get like in a weird State sometimes where like but I have I can build trains but I need to unlock them, that might happen and like it should for the most part not be any issues like you should still be able to play the game and everything but there might be cases where like you think you have something unlocked but you don't, so you need to like verify that and and whatnot both in the general progression and in the, ma, and one thing as well to mention is that like the story beats like the triggers for the story they will be broken for sure so like if you care about like the story triggers and like that stuff then you should probably wait until 1.0 and restart and create a new safe file, because otherwise you'll miss out on that but there are a lot of people that don't really care about the story and the story isn't even like you know mandatory to be able to complete the game like you can totally ignore all the story like the narrative beats that we have, and just keep play like for the most part satisfactory is the same game, and you should still be able to complete the game, even if if the story beats are broken like the story triggers are broken, like the last final like push in the game, you know the last thing you do in the game that will be there for everyone so don't worry about that but if you care don't so if you want to keep playing on your safe file you don't care about the story that you can totally keep going, and I believe Community are like pretty good at like, making what information we put out there to be more available for instance there's a mod where you can already used the new recipes or at least like you can set up the factories for them so like if you want to verify that like oh if you've set up this new computered line like that mod has that for instance and there's also like a few graphs I've seen where they you know explain like how you'll be affected by your safe file and whatnot, shout out by the way to moders yeah crazy people, actually really good point here as well in chat that I also want to mention is that some people have asked us like about the whole world grid thing like okay you made a lot of changes in notes but you did you move them to the world grid or what's up with that so we did not do that because it was too much work much too much work, even I don't even know if the new nodes are aligned with the world grid, I don't think they are actually, because it's it's it's annoying as hell to design with the world grid, when you're building stuff because you need to like in some cases I guess adapt the environment to the world as well and then it becomes very like eh stale so, we we've just decided to not do it because it's too much work and I don't think we ever will sadly, I wonder if in the future maybe we could do some way so that like the miners are more adjusted to to, the world grids so you don't so like when you place some foundations they would still align properly so we don't have to actually move the nodes, 2.0 content yeah but, we'll see but we probably won't move the nodes like they are probably going to be where they are, and it's you know nature nature isn't uniform uniformly scaled but it is beautiful it is beautiful