November 5th, 2021 Livestream Community FYI: Tried explaining my love for this game to my non-playing friends & they don't get it

November 5th, 2021 Livestream

Community FYI: Tried explaining my love for this game to my non-playing friends & they don't get it

Clips for the November 5th, 2021 Update 5 Patch Notes commentary originally streamed on

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try to explain my love for this game to my non-playing friends and they just don't get it

[ __ ]

what do you do sounds like you've got some sounds like your friends are smart or something not or stupid stupid don't get it don't get it get new friends they don't get it they just don't get you it is a hard game to like pitch though it's like what do you do, you build factories like yeah but what do you do you you, run around it's like factorio but in 3d what's factorio ah [ __ ] oh

[ __ ]

maybe just see if they want to watch our videos and if they enjoy just hanging out and maybe eventually they'll be like I guess I'll give it a go if they enjoy hanging out all right about something that they don't care about so maybe not but whatever all right juice velvet you had me yet absolutely