March 29th, 2022 Livestream EOS Reset Account

March 29th, 2022 Livestream

EOS Reset Account

00:00 Intro
00:06 Snutt checks notes
00:35 Time sure flies...
01:05 Steam/Epic Account Linking
02:33 A few kinks in the system
02:57 Account unlinking now in the game
03:44 Coffee Stain used to manually fix things
03:58 How-to (on Experimental) take 1
04:38 How-to (on Experimental) take 2
05:00 Migrating away from doing it manually
05:29 This only affects people on Steam
06:03 Community FYI: Someone give this man a coffee
06:14 Q&A: How do I link the accounts in the first place?
07:35 Q&A: If you're on Epic, how do you see your Steam friends?
09:06 Outro

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all right next thing I will talk about before we jump into, into community highlights is, last week no wait two weeks ago wait let me check the passions real quick we put out a patch a while ago for experimental with the new feature, three weeks ago wait let me reconfirm this is that actually three weeks ago time sure flies it was two weeks ago okay so two weeks ago we put out a patch for experimental, that contained a, as something that we've been wanting to have in the game for a long time, and it was something that wasn't supported originally and then it was supported and then we didn't have time to implement it and now we have time now we've had time to implement it so, where's the where's my tool jump there we go so, when we released the game for e for steam we added the options so you could link your eos account now this is completely optional this is something that you don't have to do if you don't want to, and the one thing that was kind of annoying bugging us with this was that, the way that like system was made from from the eos side the epic online services which is not the same thing as the epic game store these are two different things, we're using epic online services to handle like most of the the online, stuff for the game, which is mostly the peer-to-peer like connectivity, anyway so, we added an option so you could like if you want to do cross-play, that's not something that like steam supports by itself that was something that the epic online services supported from the get-go so that's the main reason why we we chose to go that route and, so if you wanted to play cross-play there were two options either you you use a session id that you can use whenever you don't need to link your account or anything like that it just you just upload a session id and tell your friends what the number is and then you can join the session, and but you could also link your epic account so you if you were playing on wait if you're playing on steam you can see your epic friends essentially and there were a few, kings with that system one was that, you would only be prompted once if you wanted to link it because of how the process worked and if you wanted to like reset your account linking or change like what epic account you're linking to or stuff like that you would need to like manually reach out to us so we could like unlink your accounts essentially and then you would get that prompt again, and now we have that feature in the game so now you can actually do that with from within the game you can reset your account linking if you don't want your accounts to be linked anymore or if you want to change which epic account you're linked to, and but also if you're running into issues where like some people run into an issue where you'll get like a prompt saying like hey you're not connected to the epic online services blah blah like something's wonky going on, and that that has to do something with like how when you're linking or not linking your accounts I think it's mostly when you're linking your accounts something in like the the back end like didn't put two two and two together can't wait for people to make a gif out of this, so one solution to fix that essentially was to for us to reset their account linking, and it's a tedious process for us because you know you guys have to wait for us to manually do it, and you'd have to fill out this form and it's a messy so now you can do that on experimental so I just wanted to share that word again we talked about it last week, I just want to share that information again that that is now possible from from within the experimental version of the game, it's very simple, you just let me open my notes here again it's very simple you go in the main menu and then under online, all right so yeah it's very simple like I said let's re we can recut this right can we can we edit this all right cool I'll do it again in three two one okay so it's very simple to unlink your accounts right you just go into the main menu you go to options you go to online and then there's a button that says reset account linking and that will clear out your account linking you will give you the prompt again if you want to relink your accounts if you don't want to relink your account so you can pick not to, boom okay cool I just want to share that information again because we're gonna migrate away from doing this manually and if people don't know that this is an option that exists, then you know you guys need to know this information okay so that's that's that's what I'm sharing with y'all here today cool glad I got that off my chest all right cool any questions on that this will be on the test okay everybody go every this by the way this only affects people on steam, so if you're playing on epic version like this hasn't affected you at all like this hasn't been an issue this has only been an issue on the steam version the epic and the steam version the epic and the steam versions of the game they're like identical like the same build that we're using for both versions it's just like that added like little, session handling that's on top of the steam version for that account linking that's the only difference really between the two so yes somebody give this man a coffee dude if I had coffee I'd be like so speeded right now because I never drink coffee, so yes how do I how do I link the accounts in the first place so if the the way you do it is if you own the steam version then the first time you boot up the game you will get prompted if you want to link your accounts, and then you'll pick either yes or no now if you if you don't remember this then I don't blame you because it only happens the first time you boot up the game on steam but if you want to get that option again then you do the same thing you re you you go the thing that I just described right you go to options you pick reset account linking and when you do that you'll get that prompt so it will kind of like it what it does in the back end essentially it just frees up the, the, the link that exists


and even if there is no link it will still be like all right time to refresh it so that you you get the chance to get a link you know what I mean if that makes any sense,


so so yeah if you want to I can't if you want to link your epic account to your steam account, which by the way is only like really useful if you have people are using the epic version of the game that you want to play with and you don't want to use session ids that's this is the only reason why you want to do this


so yeah if you're on epic how can you see your steam friends so if you're an epic you can't see your steve friends unfortunately due to the way that steam has implemented their their api steam doesn't allow people like, getting any information through their api whereas epic is the other way around they're like anyone you know if you people want that this makes it sound like app is like here's the data just look at it no but it has to do with, if you're making a game and you're using any kind of like online service if you're on steam you're only allowed to use that api if you're distributing the game on steam, so there's no way because steam doesn't allow cross-play, with their system whereas epic does so if you're on steam you unfortunately can't, if you're on epic you unfortunately can't see your steam friends because steam hasn't like opened up that api essentially so yes and epic doesn't no so the the the eos system doesn't look at your steam friends like unless you you allow it to like it's not catching you're like it's not like it can just grab your friends list without like you have to give it permission for it to do that and it's the same thing on steam like when you're playing a steam game you're giving steam authorization to like yeah people are allowed to to check in my steam list so they work pretty much the same way it's just that they don't like they don't mingle there's no only there's no data only zuul so yeah hopefully that makes any sense if it didn't make any sense too bad but if you're playing on the epic version which I assume everyone's doing right everyone's playing on this on the epic version right pretty sure so, if if that's the case then just disregard this whole segment it doesn't affect you at all, so yeah cool glad we got that sorted out