January 28th, 2025 Livestream Q&A: Will there be more Nudge options in 1.1, or will controller support interfere with that?

January 28th, 2025 Livestream

Q&A: Will there be more Nudge options in 1.1, or will controller support interfere with that?


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Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-XZpdO9_hC_A">[https://youtu.be/XZpdO9_hC_A YouTube - January 28th, 2025 Livestream - Q&A: Will there be more Nudge options in 1.1, or will controller support interfere with that?]</ref>



will there be more nudge options in 1.1 or will the control options for the consoles make that not possible, control options for consoles or controllers in general will not inherently limit our like U ability to make nudge, like to extend to extend nudge or to like Implement controls or change them or make new ones in any way so don't worry about controllers like blocking anything from the game from now on, but we are not adding any new noge options for 1.1 this is, I mean you all know how often this is brought up you all believe me when I say that we see it we hear it and if we deem it you know appropriate is a bad weird word but if if we deem it you know feasible if it's a good addition if we agree on it for reasons that take over the reasons we don't agree agree with it at the moment then we might in the future 1.1 is not that future