May 11th, 2021 Livestream
State of Dev: Approach to development while in Early Access
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- Coffee Stainers
- Satisfactory Updates > Pending > Satisfactory 1.0
- Satisfactory Updates
- Satisfactory Updates > State of Dev
we were update five is gonna be bigger than I thought we we initially said like update five is probably gonna be like a smaller update but the more I hear people talking about it the bigger it gets, I don't know if this is the coffee stain like curse or something that we always like we're kind of ambitious like obviously not gonna lie like for a game that's in early access like I kind of surprised that we're you know keeping it up to this degree, humblebrag but, you know we're we're kind of like very particular about quality and that's kind of why we really want to take our times with the updates and don't want to like rush anything even more so now when we realized that it's more important for us to focus on the big picture rather than you know getting just updates out even though you know initially we felt that a lot of the pressure when working on satisfactory was all about getting updates out and getting content out and making it worth for people or sorry making like the game feel like yeah getting biggest as much bang of the buck for you guys when you bought our game essentially, and we've kind of noticed internally that that's not a good approach, I mean it's it's it's at a good approach to some degree but we'd rather focus on like the end game for satisfactory so like 1.0 we talk a lot about 1.0 on the streams here and we talk a lot about 1.0 internally because that's kind of our like what we set our mind to right now our goal is like to reach 1.0 more so than like what's the next update what's the next update et cetera et cetera so yeah we're kind of like figuring out what update 5 is going to be and, I think we've set on pretty much like what's gonna be in update five, and once we've gotten a little further down the line of development then that's when we kind of can open it up to you guys and start showing some of the stuff that we're working on similar to how we did update four we're gonna try and be open and showcase and tease, and talk about features and kind of like you know seeing as how the game is in early access also they'll make like maybe warn a little bit about changes that are coming, so, and and one thing I can not wait I'm not gonna talk about that actually it's too late it's not interesting