May 2nd, 2023 Livestream Q&A: Do the Physics changes affect slide-jumping?

May 2nd, 2023 Livestream

Q&A: Do the Physics changes affect slide-jumping?

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do the physics changes affect slide jumping, no they I that was the wrong that was golf I've been I played the golf, my bad, you did that on purpose no no I don't believe it wasn't a sign did the effects, change physics of changes affect slide jumping no they shouldn't because just aren't slide jumping part of the the movement component thingy on yeah but that's that's the movement component so when we think about the physics changes right that comes with vehicles right it's not physics in general or did we change physics in general yeah all the physics changed in the game because it switched Oh I thought but the difference here is though is that we're using like movement components and like the unreals you know all the logic for physics when it comes to movement is is based on epics like movement component and like the I can't remember what they're all called and under the hood they've swapped that stuff out so like it's the same interface for us to that stuff right so we didn't need to do anything but I believe we came to the vehicle physics we've done something we're like actively touching physics ourselves and we have to re-rig them all up and stuff like that yeah exactly their things okay well then- I don't really know then if- I felt that like the only stuff that was really going to get changed with the the physics for the vehicles yeah- I will say this though I don't playing around- I have no I haven't noticed any difference in like how jumping and sliding and that stuff like behaves like everything exact same way but for for vehicles there's there's definitely a difference in how it behaves and like how it works, and we haven't done anything we haven't changed anything at least so it might be the case that but I mean I feel like everything physics related must have changed because because they you know they ditched the physics engine underneath all the stuff