July 6th, 2021 Livestream Localization Community Highlight: Translating specialised words such as "Xeno-Zapper"

July 6th, 2021 Livestream

Localization Community Highlight: Translating specialised words such as "Xeno-Zapper"


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Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-XFLWFV6Sd8M">[https://youtu.be/XFLWFV6Sd8M YouTube - July 6th, 2021 Livestream - Localization Community Highlight: Translating specialised words such as "Xeno-Zapper"]</ref>



so yeah let's just pick one here for instance this one 37.29 and then I have to jump you guys can probably hear us but we're muted on stream why did I oh maybe I switched to the wrong scene here that's the one I've been switching to okay yes okay now sorry I pressed the wrong button I pressed the wrong button, where did we where did we leave off, I guess it was when you switched to the crowding probably yeah, so yeah you can search up on crowdin find the the link and got the swedish translation to xenozapper which is which is like I think this is this is probably a hard part when it comes to localization in general because sometimes I see people say like oh this word is is not translated correctly or whatever like there's no consensus between people in a language saying like this is probably the proper way to say especially not in games where we're like making up words as well because like I don't I don't know how I would translate this word into swedish to be honest yeah I think every swedish version of this would just look strange to me because then how do you guys that's the biggest problem with translation yeah how do you do that as a craft how do you do this you just I don't know you just, use your experience and you look around you google a lot to see how things are translated yeah yes that's it and yes because you know you discuss it with community if you can right so like noiboy in chat says like what is a zeno like I don't even know what that is in english and I don't think I think most people who use xeno zapper only understand zapper and don't know what xeno means, yes like so like xeno is like means alien or something yeah it's a greek word I think because like xenomorph is like alien creature or something ah relating to foreign furnace okay yeah yeah yeah, what was the question again I forgot yeah so I guess the yeah so I guess the quote I mean you sort of answered I was just wondering like how do you how do you how how do we test the the languages in game but I guess yeah there's we can test it live or we have to wait yeah but so we can't we can't go back to that I guess or do you want to say something I was just going to actually I guess that's one of the perks of having it community driven is that you can actually vote on things to to reach somewhat of a democratic consensus of like what is the best worst word for something I guess because if you hire like a blessing and a curse at once yeah if you have too many you can't decide on any real solutions on any real translations and you just get lost in an endless cycle of approval and disapproval if you have little you just get stuck endlessly trying to translate one word and it never sounds right