February 8th, 2022 Livestream Q&A: Groundhog Day or Truman Show?

February 8th, 2022 Livestream

Q&A: Groundhog Day or Truman Show?


Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-X7XkqtU7n4c">[https://youtu.be/X7XkqtU7n4c YouTube - February 8th, 2022 Livestream - Q&A: Groundhog Day or Truman Show?]</ref>



groundhog day or truman show wait what like as in oh german show truman show yeah truman show probably because no groundhog day would actually be kind of sick it would oh wait to live in oh dude that's hard that's a hard question that's a good question if I had to live in one I would live in the ground I'd do I'd live the groundhog day thing for sure because or would I yeah I think I would yeah one's kind of icky if you know about it I mean truman show can be yeah if you know about it but I guess the premise might be that you don't know about it and then you're just living like a really good life I guess a pretty good life yeah exactly, but then groundhog day you have like the superpower of like you know infinite knowledge kind of yeah right every day yeah so but then I give it though yeah yeah but then again then you do live the same day over again so you can't progress so like you have to you have to break the loop for that to be valuable but he does break the loop eventually right that is true so you could like amass all this knowledge in one day like 10 years worth of knowledge then break the loop and you're gonna be like you're gonna be good yeah yeah that is the question do you get to break the because both truman and and, I can't remember his name they do break the loop so they get out of it do you is that part of the question too or wait this is this is the real real this is what the q a section was designed I was gonna say like this is exactly why we're here thousand years of groundhog day is that what they said that's done well a thousand years is a bit much a thousand years is a bit much like how do you feel after that because- I have thought about the thing with like from, inception where like you live ten thousand years jeez like if you would live for 100 years and then you wake up and like now you start living the rest of your life like mentally what does what does that do to you artie on discord says it's 10 000 years and they're getting a link they have sources they have so wait I'll get the link ten thousand that's very ominous they'll do it I'll believe anyone who says I'll get the link even if they don't I'll just believe you yeah I there there are two wolves in my in my brain one says I'll get the link and the other one says check the link check the link check the link, next week q and a should just be just chatting yeah well yeah yeah maybe oh no the league got [ __ ] purged oh no no we can see it in we've seen the log can't we no maybe not can we yeah we can see it in the perch yeah we have tools oh god it's a it's a virus oh my computer's infected


, yeah anyway, who says we were not insurance show that's the real question