February 23rd, 2021 Livestream Q&A: Where did the idea of making power producers produce 100% regardless of consumption come from?

February 23rd, 2021 Livestream

Q&A: Where did the idea of making power producers produce 100% regardless of consumption come from?


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Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-Ws0Q7X1Twx0">[https://youtu.be/Ws0Q7X1Twx0 YouTube - February 23rd, 2021 Livestream - Q&A: Where did the idea of making power producers produce 100% regardless of consumption come from?]</ref>



where did the idea come from making power producers running 100 regardless of consumption come from, it comes from it's kind of hard for me to say because it's mostly mark probably knows the the completeness yeah yeah I only know the the the short tldr version which is that there are some things coming up before which need power that makes it more interesting, that's the shorthand version of it like the the there's a few design decisions that makes that kind of like that kind of required power to be worked that way, and then to mitigate it we'd added power storage containers or whatever they call power storages, and, yeah and it might seem like it's it's weird, especially if you're used to the old system but, I think it'll make sense once you actually try try it out and play with update four, so yeah