February 18th, 2025 Livestream Q&A: How did Hannah decide on the scale of the Map?

February 18th, 2025 Livestream

Q&A: How did Hannah decide on the scale of the Map?


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Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-WmPl-xeRyWs">[https://youtu.be/WmPl-xeRyWs YouTube - February 18th, 2025 Livestream - Q&A: How did Hannah decide on the scale of the Map?]</ref>



how did you decide on the scale of the map at what stage did you lock that in and when did you start regretting it immediately I we I didn't I don't know who did I don't know what happened I have no clue, this has haunted me forever like I don't know if the what the what the sort of like thought behind it was, and like why things are weren't as big as they were I know that like before I joined like they made they did skill tests and there was a different map, that they like tried a bunch of like stuff on of like okay how do what do we want to do with height differences how do we want to lay things out like all that kind of stuff I don't know what the thought was considering scale and inheriting this thing that was so big and without any like there was no documentation there was nothing yep, I just had to I just had to like all right we we have this thing and it exists and it's going into Early Access and now we just have to commit I guess F, but yeah I mean we made it we made it work for sure and like we there was a lot of like other other thought processes that like were more gameplay focused at went into this and like the skill of the map but I don't I don't I was never privy to the actual reasoning of to why it the layout was the way it was and the size was the way it was I just inherited it and made the best of it