March 7th, 2023 Livestream
Q&A: Do you have any plans to improve replayability for the final release of the game?
This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as May 2021 and as early as May 2020.
This question has 4 related videos, and 2 related topics
- February 4th, 2025 Livestream Q&A: Is there any potential to introduce a feature to randomise the Resource Nodes across the Map?
- February 14th, 2023 Livestream Q&A: Is it even possible to fully randomise Resource nodes on the map?
- September 13th, 2022 Livestream Q&A: Custom Map support?
- September 7th, 2021 Livestream Q&A: Is there a path to 1.0?
- Satisfactory 1.0
- Oil
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<ref name="yt-WhC-hQINr20">[ YouTube - March 7th, 2023 Livestream - Q&A: Do you have any plans to improve replayability for the final release of the game?]</ref>
do you have any plans to improve replayability randomizing map creating etc for the final release of the game, right now I don't think there are plans for it now this is going to be kind of weird right because like most people here have played the game for hundreds of hours or many people have played for hundreds of hours maybe even thousands of hours, and so whilst one could imagine that there could be better replayability features in the game we also think that the game actually is fairly replayable, there's a lot of there's a lot of game time in here and so, I actually challenged the question of whether or not we need more replayability since like or not that we need it or not but it's like how big of a concern is replayability not maybe not really that big since people routinely play hundreds of hours of our game, and and maybe our attention should be focused Elsewhere on other design problems having said that though, randomizing nodes and things like that could be really sick I think may may be doable as a game mode who knows, it's definitely something that has been considered it's it's feedback that has been heard and, like my opinions here of like maybe we don't need it is not me mimicking, things other people have said that's just like my actual just genuine personal opinion, and that there is probably interest in in having that happen in the game so it could happen who knows but I just I just challenged the question a little bit like how big of a problem is replayability really, you can kind of argue that there is a lot of replayability in the same sort of like when you say replayability you think like oh start from scratch again but I feel like you are kind of doing that constantly when you're like refactoring Factory builds if because you kind of need to in a lot of cases or you know you're building sort of the same if you build like one steel factory and like now I got all the basic steel and then you're like but then I want to make Parts out of that stuff then oftentimes you make a new steel factory you know like so you kind of like re replaying the game by itself and if we were to randomize the nodes how much replayability does that offer right so like let's say for example where I would normally get some oil it's now in a different place on the map yeah so I run the oil to where I want it to be because that's the end of the randomization, that's that's all it made me do is I ran it from one place to another place and then now the game is the same as it was before I guess I guess the the difference is that like you have to solve a different type of logistic problem if like you have say that if you randomize all the nodes and then all the oil notes are on one side of the map and then all the coal is like in a completely different that creates like a bigger Logistics problem than what we've designed for you know yeah so like I guess that adds a little bit of replayability in that sense but also at the same time you know how much actual like replayability does it actually yeah exactly trains I mean that's exactly what I'm yeah I mean because because y'all like in the game as it is right now you'll solve those logistical issues anyway yeah, so if we move the nodes around maybe you would have to solve them an extra time but you would solve it in the same way it would just be it would it would kind of be the same thing I don't know I don't know just my thoughts just my thoughts yeah I am a sucker for randomization though in general me too me too, and like I mean- I think I think there's probably more a little bit more value if we could randomize the location of the nodes and have them like appear in really funky places you'd be like well okay there's oil notice on top of this mountain, you know like I mean stuff like that could be kind of fun as like a game mode yeah but yeah I don't know what's possible in the game, and I don't know what the rest of the team kind of impedance on that yeah it's kind of fun if like you randomize and you get like you start off like here's a great starting area but there's a uranium node that's going to kill you every time I try to pull them through it yeah