February 11th, 2025 Livestream Q&A: Could we get ADA as a live guest on-stream?

February 11th, 2025 Livestream

Q&A: Could we get ADA as a live guest on-stream?

00:00 Q&A: Could we get ADA as a live guest on-stream?
04:55 Q&A: Does ADA pronounce "Beuger" better than Mikael?


Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-WRc2dqHNCL8">[https://youtu.be/WRc2dqHNCL8 YouTube - February 11th, 2025 Livestream - Q&A: Could we get ADA as a live guest on-stream?]</ref>



can Hannah's a program produce live output could we get a as a Live guest on stream sort of, basically I mean it's it's a program where I essentially I type in text and then I can make the program say it, as Ada with the Ada voice of course but without the the postprocessing and polish that we put on top for when it's in the game the thing is though is that most of the time this goes fine but not always so sometimes because this is a text to speech program it really doesn't know how to human and it really doesn't know how to pronounce certain things or where to pause or where to like how to like oh let's say you have the word building building is both a noun and a verb you will you will say it differently in a sentence depending on whether it is a noun or a verb this program does not know whether it is a noun or a verb so it we'll just do something, and sometimes it sounds really unatural and it's actually really hard to replicate because it is so unnatural to us that like it's it's it's almost like how how do I speak differently than the human way right, so it's possible but, she will most likely trip a bunch over whatever saying and also the more natural the speech the harder it gets kind of, because then like those kind of Errors tend to be like even more noticeable, plus like I would you know technically you could like interview aah but I would still have to like write out a reply and then make it generate the voice right so it would be a bit of a like there would be a lot of awkward pauses let's just say it would be gig accurate for like newscasts you know on the news when you yeah just talking to like some guy in the field in like USA or whatever and it's like so what do you think about this phenomenon well actually yes lore accurate yeah indeed no but I mean there's there's some funny things for for that like, for example we we have we have our like own little company Discord, with in cofin and on Discord you can you can have a sound board right where you can just have a bunch of like little sound files that you can play music whatever not so I made a few Ada voice lines for that one, that people can use which is a a lot of fun, also something that like our audio, our audio guy found like recently which is really creepy, and also kind of Providence in a in a very strange sense, is that, there is a particular there's like several programs that have that this same sort of text to speech ability and have this same access to this particular voice that we use for Ada, and this new one that he he found and was using, so he found that the the voice for Ada that we use like all of them have a name right of like oh this is this is us Kevin this is like, UK hey Alice or whatever so the one that's, that has A's voice is called


Hannah that was pretty that was pretty creepy to find that out I was like that's it's it's been it's been like five years six years since like we started like using this thing and it's just one of those things where like that's the chances of that, are crazy so, it confirmed aah and Hannah are the same person apparently slight inside humor and completely off topic but now I'm even more afraid of certain Clairvoyant aspects about you and anyway I mean yeah I mean there are people that that genuinely believe that I have done some of the voice acting in the game, that they they they think it's me like, specifically I think the mercus forers but no it's all this it's all the same like Texas speech, program that we use for Ada and, but that that apparently is is Hannah and I am also Hannah so there's a conspiracy of FO I don't I don't trust it something there something weird going on here the world works in mysterious ways uhuh sure yeah does aah pronounce b better than Miguel you know I should you know what you know what I'm going to try I'm going to try I don't have the tools [ __ ] like here right now but I can make her I can have her generate it I have a feeling it's going to be awful it's going to be awful but I just had- I'll make sure to have an audio file next time I'll get something going yeah sure I just had the worst idea in the world actually we prepare that and we actually have that running for the stream and we can just have like chat request lines for her to say which will be moderated don't get me wrong- I mean it has to go through me you know I have to willingly type it yes so yeah so no funny ideas also by the way I noticed great filter, someone in chat pointed out that the, the top Banner thingy like saying Q&A SL highlight SL or surprise and then thing is gone I have no idea where that went because the software that is like supposed to it I mean yeah it's not it it's weird cuz it's running and like it's it's like the thing that's writing out our names and [ __ ] is part of the same software and I can still edit that and change it and stuff and it works so I'm not sure why the agenda is just hidden, oh oh well it's hidden tough [ __ ] it's a Q&A right now, it really is man this room is actually kind of spooking me know it really is this it's that the fact that it's getting, darker and darker is