May 23rd, 2023 Livestream Q&A: What's your least-favourite aspect of the game?

May 23rd, 2023 Livestream

Q&A: What's your least-favourite aspect of the game?

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what's your favorite Le least favorite aspect of the game currently it's a hard question my least favorite aspect of the game is that it's buggy it's a moment actually I've planted a bunch today I haven't played it in like a couple weeks actually yeah it's actually pretty decent yeah still a couple things here and there but I put in some bug reports let's get in there and hopefully by the time it gets to you guys oh boy if you would have played like people don't know how broken the game can be like this is in general with Game Dev yeah right like games are so broken until like the second they're not then they go out but 99 of the time when you play the game it's awful because it's so broken it's so it's so interesting because like when you, I've taken part in a lot of like, what do they call, it's they're not play tests but like when you're companies sometimes do the thing where they have, the developers sit down with someone else and they play the game and then like they don't talk to each other they just watch the person play the game right and they like talk out loud what they're thinking like what they're trying to do so it's sort of like a you know just verifying it like oh does this make sense or whatever it's so interesting when when you have game but developers do that with other game developers because then like people point out stuff where they know like oh this is broken but I know that this is probably not important yeah to mention whereas other people can really hung up on like details and like I think that's part of the game development it's like you know sort of where possibilities lie yeah when you see a bug or not, and, yeah like you mentioned like like the majority of the state of the game is that it's broken while you're developing it yep yeah, I've heard I've heard people like I tell people that I make games like oh that must be funny to play games all day and I'm like I mean I do get to play a game most of the time in its worst possible State yeah yeah that's just part of it that's what it's like when you're building it just kind of it's crazy when you look back at like what the game looked like sometimes it can be just in like a month the game is like a completely mess and then suddenly it just works it's also really wild like how small things can ruin your entire experience yeah right it's like you know like the game can be like I've had this with many games the game can be like largely working they could have been like massive issues that people were like trying to fix and then you get in you're like oh the Escape Bar doesn't close the menu yeah it's like whoa yeah it's like why is that frustrating but yeah it is frustrating so like one example was that the, when when we were testing this this has been fixed now but like one of the the inputs for when you're closing menus are in our game like you used to be able to like right click to close it and that's like muscle memory for me so like when that bro I reported that today actually yeah is it still in in one area Okay, like it's so it's like muscle memory so like when it's not there it feels like oh it feels like the whole menu's been broken yeah yeah yeah but it's like it's it's the smallest thing it's not a big deal yeah and it was it was such a small thing that I couldn't even like put my finger on what it was yeah because it was just muscle memory I was doing something I kept ending up in a weird state and yeah and it's it's so interesting what kind of blockers you can have like because if if I tell you guys like through the development of this update and most updates and probably with most games like a bug was introduced that stopped everyone from playing the game right this is the most disastrous outcome right it happens it just happens it's normal right but you're like oh what could that have been like did it not start up was it like GPU issues was there like did the game hang like what it's like no the X on one of the menus didn't work like that's like that's it it's like that stuff everyone everyone's like I can't play and it takes two seconds to fix right but like sometimes that happens it's just sometimes it happens it could be the most mundane little thing yeah or it's so funny another one that we had was if you press the close you know that like quick wheel it shows up when you're like scanning for for Wars and stuff yeah there was a bug where if you click that too fast it would stick like show up and then never close that's also a [ __ ] game stopper like I can't close the menu yeah yeah yeah it's it's so funny when you get some of these weird little things you're like how is this the thing that's something that's right yeah but it's they're usually easy things and they get fixed like right away so it's not a big deal yeah yeah but it's it's just kind of funny and it's like tracking down all this stuff you know yeah