March 30th, 2021 Livestream State of Dev: Sinking Plutonium Fuel Rods

March 30th, 2021 Livestream

State of Dev: Sinking Plutonium Fuel Rods

Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-W6AUplMo7J4">[ YouTube - March 30th, 2021 Livestream - State of Dev: Sinking Plutonium Fuel Rods]</ref>



see yeah I forgot to mention this in the state of dev can I can I rewind this right one thing that I forgot to mention instead of dev is maybe I talked about this last stream as well maybe I did actually don't think about it but, we some people notice that you can sink the nuclear fuel rods, that is intentional we want there to be a trade-off between whether or not you feel it's worth keeping the new fuel rods and using them for power or just sinking the waste and get rid of the waste so that's the trade-off we want to build currently we don't like the the balance of that because we feel like the fuel rods are maybe too weak or the regular


uranium fuel rods are too strong so we're gonna nuff it I.e we're gonna nerf or buff one of them or both maybe that's what the nuff is when you do both at the same time but we're going to do some change that there to that so keep an eye on for that so if you really really really want to get over your waist you have to do it now you have to sync it now our waiting I mean you can still do it later, but really enjoy your nuclear, power chain like the current power changes because it's gonna be nerfed or birth birth birth I keep making up new words for this it's going to be buffed or nerfed at some point before it hits ea all right I'm back I just want to get that out of the way birthed we're burfing out changes to the game enough hashtag enough