November 5th, 2021 Livestream Snutt & Jace Talk: Satisfactory Update 5 Patch Notes vid commentary (Part 53)

November 5th, 2021 Livestream

Snutt & Jace Talk: Satisfactory Update 5 Patch Notes vid commentary (Part 53)

Clips for the November 5th, 2021 Update 5 Patch Notes commentary originally streamed on

This video is part of a series of 67 videos.
Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-W0s_645Ih6U">[ YouTube - November 5th, 2021 Livestream - Snutt & Jace Talk: Satisfactory Update 5 Patch Notes vid commentary (Part 53)]</ref>



this can aid in managing congestion on your train lines oh hey snoot I found the ball should I play it where it lies let's just, oh yeah so did that yeah we'll finish that off I guess let's go to the next hole so I noticed, afterwards after we filmed everything whatever and I was reading through the script and I was like wait we never we never find the hole at the ball no we never find the balls in it what do we do I think, because like we just said before the script went through many iterations I think in like one of the very early iterations there were some points with the looking for the ball but then we changed order or something I can't remember, because I think I think originally we were supposed to do something else at the end of when we find the ball but then we moved the scenes around I think, so we must've got lost so yeah so it got lost somewhere and then as we were making this we realized like wait it never resolves anything so we just added that little, voice over thing there should I play it where it lies let's just go to the next one and- I really like all those like snappy comments we make back and forth whenever we do vo because it feels less, voice then it feels more like we're actually like actually interacting exactly and I think that's important like if there's that's one thing that I sort of noticed a lot with like just the script writing in general and it turned out quite well but like you know if there's gonna be two of us there like two people in the same video there needs to be a reason that there's two people in the same video you know and so like having these little back and forths really justify the existence of each other otherwise it's just weird and robotic and like if it's just all broken up it could have just been one person you didn't need the second person so like it's important to get some value out of that and I think we do it really well in both the voiceover you don't need to do a lot to get like that effects or like yeah that's nice