February 11th, 2025 Livestream
Q&A: Have either Mikael / Hannah used AI in Community Management / Writing?
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<ref name="yt-VcHdQMQWPdU">[https://youtu.be/VcHdQMQWPdU YouTube - February 11th, 2025 Livestream - Q&A: Have either Mikael / Hannah used AI in Community Management / Writing?]</ref>
Hannah and Mikel have either SL both of you used AI in your writing SL Community Management if so how have you used it and what have you found to be the most useful I used AI fully when I wrote my goodbye speeches snoot no I did not I'm joking wow y chat make up three reasons as to why I would like this guy please, no I haven't really used it like- I'm I'm a little bit hesitant about using it personally I'm not a huge fan of what AI is at the moment I think it has a lot of potential as a tool but, I don't really see use for it personally for me, at the moment, and there's like too much stuff around it that I don't really like so I'm trying to kind of avoid it so yeah yeah no yeah I haven't used it for writing either I have used chat in, particular for programming back before coffee stain when I was, coding professionally, with allowance because our company did allow that and it's also like I mean you can't I mean if you know any shred of programming and also how to apply programming like professionally in a professional context on top of systems that's been built in my case this system was built has been built for like the past 25 years now, you can't really just you know have a even AI produce like makeshift code to just slot in there so it's just all about like you figure out where it makes sense, you figure out exactly what you asking for in terms of what makes logical sense in code, and then what you in the end ask for is just for you know the actual writing the syntax of the code down, like you understand the logic you understand what you want to write but the syntax can get so messy or your brain is so FR at that point at that point that you just go like okay just give me the syntax and even then you might have to like sit down and, like the alter a few things so it actually fits in perfectly, but I did dabble with AI writing some code for me yes I did, there we go