November 9th, 2021 Livestream Q&A: Will you take responsibility for the Giant Lizard Doggo?

November 9th, 2021 Livestream

Q&A: Will you take responsibility for the Giant Lizard Doggo?

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so yes I'm gonna take responsibility for the giant lizard doggo if you mean the, kickstarter, I mean yeah what's the saying on the kickstarter right now I haven't checked in a while remember if you don't know I'm gonna drop this too, so we're doing like a little bit of a I wouldn't say collab or something it's just like we've given rok on it or whatever but, we've, we've sort of given the okay or partner or whatever the term is with, dave from heroic replicas is making, a he's doing a kickstarter for the lucid doggo, plushie and it's a huge lizard dog plushie and there's a bunch of other there trademark, 175 geez that is that is insane I think we met the kickstarter incentive like on stream the original pledge was like 24 000 and we're at like 200 something right now a thousand dollars which is insane, and there's still 19 days to go I think I think that's kind of nuts, hopefully hopefully they can can do it I trust I trust, it's it's a huge project though, but yeah there's a bunch of goodies check out the website if you want to learn more there's also a video about it on our youtube channel jace made, where you can learn more about that stuff, yeah kickstarter for the stage pillow that's that's what we need to do we need to talk to dave let's see if we can get that set up holy that'd be hilarious, and yeah they've added stretch goals by the way yeah that's true good good good call out cold called toby you got my back, yeah there's stretch goals now one fun little anecdote too is that dave didn't know that we changed the color of this green slug to blue, so we just got an email from him and saying like I just noticed that you changed the color of the slug well that that that's cut that kind of sucks but it also gives me an opportunity so the green slug is still available as a plushie on the kickstarter and the way he's gonna do it is he's gonna like number them so you can get a limited amount of of green slugs and then the blue slugs will be like the the the one you can get later, but the green one will be like a limited edition one that maybe already be over like it it might already been taken all of them I guess it's like slot based or something like that, so it'll become like this unique, plushie instead for those people that backed early so you guys will get like that extra extra extra, back in my day slugs used to be green exactly exactly, so yes