March 18th, 2022 Video Snutt & Jace Talk: Unreleased Content article

March 18th, 2022 Video

Snutt & Jace Talk: Unreleased Content article

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content snip so this was initially created in the hadron collider which we then renamed to the particle accelerator and reworked and reworked quantum crystal I have no idea what this is I've never seen this before what did they say here in the wikis crossing point used to create superposition oscillators maybe superposition oscillators are a thing people got it from their, fixmas, advent calendars right yep and that's, probably something that's gonna end up in the game the superposition oscillators at least I assume we wouldn't have added this if we didn't intend to add it later so it's probably coming we just famous last words someone's got a plan for it yeah not these guys, okay sorry same flactuator I guess comes from sam something same thing there like I don't know if this is irrelevant and stuff like people people have been asking about like when can we use sam or yeah we're gonna you can't use samoa yet but, the intention is that you will be able to use it at some point yeah we don't really wanna say too much more about that we don't know if you'll be able to convert them into auras or not I mean ingots, but, you know we have left them in the game because we do intend that you could do something with it so heat resistant suit so this is interesting because I don't know any thing that can hurt you by heat in the game, we have the radiation suit and I think this is maybe like a early prototype of that maybe yeah there was probably some plans for having, some like heat damage or something like that but it's, we don't have anything like that in our maps so yeah we had a couple weapons here rebar scatter gun which oddly enough couldn't be reloaded and this is this is just again it's like we we created the concept for it maybe prototyped it and it kind of just died and we forgot that it was there and that's kind of why it ended up shipping with the game the rifle is a funny story it's a great story because like the rifle was- I thought originally that the rifle did the rifle mark two did less damage but according this is just 12 damage yeah the magazine's size was smaller right I think cause the way I remember it was that we when we started working on like a lot of stuff we had ideas for like oh what if we had like a mark two of everything essentially and then when as we went on we realized like ah maybe we shouldn't do that because we can rebalance the game and make it work with just mark 1 stuff and I think rifle mark 2 was like a remnant of that but then when we before we decided that we were working on like the rifle mark 1 and mark ii and then like ah whatever we'll rebalance mark one rifle but we didn't rebalance this because we thought that we weren't going to add that but then we accidentally included in a build yeah and this was usable this wasn't even something that you could actually kind of this yeah, people were sending us a lot of messages about this being like what the hell is this about yeah you get this weird gun here that's not really obviously better or yeah you like that really why is it so bad and we were just like whoops let me just rip that out right away that's not 1.5 and then mk2 variants of buildings people still request like an mk2 version of, buildings and they did technically they did exist at some point yeah we didn't have them in the game but they were just like the same model but we just made them better in-game but we ended up feeling that it was just kind of like where this cup there's a couple of reasons why we probably won't do this, first is because of like we felt that if we would have to have mark ii buildings it was like we would need to make like new appearances for them so it's just like the same building but they just look better or whatever we actually wanted them to like look better and like animate differently and stuff like that and that is a lot of work like just getting our current machines to the point that they are has been a lot of work so just from that aspect we don't feel like it's it's really worth the work for what you get out of it but then there's there's also the element of like well what does a mark two thing do does it do the same thing as before but quicker yeah but you know then we have overclocking to handle that kind of thing or does it do different recipes but then that's what a new building does yeah so it's like why would we add a constructor like mark two and not a new building that can do different things there's a lot of work that goes into making it a mark ii version of a building and the gain is like kind of minimal it doesn't really change the game that much, more so than like a new what a new building could do yeah so I don't think mark two buildings are coming you guys I think some of these I think the converter and another one that's coming later we're in like one of the first trailers we're gonna put out in the game because there's a shot where like we we have like the holograms selected and we just switch between different buildings and I think this one and one that's coming later the, the storage remote storage thing I think they were in the game for a long time, this one I have no idea what this is, used to convert any two raw resources I remember the discussions around this yeah I remember this as well this is when I was programming on the game yeah that we were discussions about the converter, but I think we just didn't find any like real use for it in the game, even though it might sound like oh that sounds awesome but I don't think we actually managed to like fit it into the game to make it fun or anything like that so that's probably why we didn't include it hatred collider now this this interesting enough we didn't change too much on the model but we did change like the the front here so like the it used to be that the stuff came in from the side of it and now I think it comes straight straight in, I think the the way that the power was used you know how it ramps up now I that wasn't how it was before right I'm pretty sure that was a new thing with the particle accelerator that was introduced with the particles yeah so here as a patch 0.4 update four yeah it's been into particle silver it has different functions correct also we do different animations now because originally it was just like it would just light up and then simon did instead so that it spins and like does electrical stuff yeah it's like whoa flashing industrial lighting so yeah we did have early on in the game we did have a version with like a bunch of lighting in it and I think the the model for like the this industrial light is the same as like the what's it called in the game the street light street light yeah yeah didn't need to look up on the wiki this time I looked at it on the wiki oh damn it literally right there we did have an old version of the game where we did have lighting and it was just like a nightmare to implement because it slowed down the game and now we have like a much more clever implementation of lighting in the game so that's why we could introduce lighting in update four yep, so yeah but that's that's the the uncle or the grandpa of lighting powered wall powered wall I remember this this was, so a lot of people asked for this actually when we introduced the game and we we didn't like the powered wall because it was kind of like not intuitive how you use it I remember when when you built something like you didn't like understand how you would feed in the wires and stuff like that and which we solved that by having the like wall connectors instead so this is like one of those features where we tried it out and prototyped it and we didn't know like it's kind of useful but not really in this state and it this evolved into like the the power connectors which I believe we also want to do in like along with this but I think we just decided that that's probably better you just have power connectors and I think they kind of serve the same purpose as the powered walls, even though like it might be easier just if you had power walls they would like be sequentially powered or whatever yeah- I get the feeling that if we you know if we talk you know mention this on this video you know a lot of people are gonna say that sounds really cool I really like it and if you do let us know let us know if you would like it let us know how you think it should work you know, folks here, you know they read the comments and, also go to the qa site leave it there and upload it and stuff like that let the team know if you if you like this and how you think it should work the quantum encoder yeah I don't know what this is I have no idea what this is this is literally the first time I've seen this as, was building used for crafting quantum crystal and superposition oscillator okay okay sounds good remote storage ah remote storage storage so actually this is interesting so yeah remote storage is basically, something that I think you can like put items into and then you can access it kind of from anywhere or or something like that yeah yeah and I actually prototyped this first yeah so like this is one of one of the tasks that I had was to, you know get the initial version of the remote storage working, I think we called it central storage at the time yeah yeah yeah and, and interesting enough one of my first tasks was to rip this code out because we did a bunch of, when we changed how we did networking, when we changed how we did networking in the game there was a bunch of like weird cases where like we had the sensor storage because you could access the sensor storage from everywhere yeah and like it would it would plug up like how we did the networking code so it was just like are we going to have this and we're like maybe not and then like all right I'll just delete it then yeah so, I remember specifically a couple of places where I just saw code for like central storage I'm like ah get rid of that well sorry my story in my life yeah this guy just comes along so another page we've got is future content