September 17th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: Do you know how many people finished the game while starting a new save?

September 17th, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: Do you know how many people finished the game while starting a new save?

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do you know how many people finished the game while starting a new save maybe using steam achievements no not really steam achievements also can be duped or like you can you can fake it really easily so they are also not good uses for tracking that stuff mhm I we have some Telemetry but we- I don't know the only person I've seen it like fully finish the game from start to finish is epiphany epiphany a shout out ephany Epiphany is the dumbest person know in the universe okay cuz Epiphany for for those of you who don't know biggest chat as well for people who don't know Epiphany is one of the is is, is like one of the stream speedrunners for satisfactory, one I didn't even know that people speedrun this game but Epiphany is really good too so it's impressive Epiphany has like most of the world records for satisfactory and on day one Epiphany and I watched there's there's like a highlight video on epiphany's YouTube channel, that is like condensed down into like almost two hours or something like that Epiphany literally sat there on like launch day like, Ste stream was counting down and he's like immediately like download download download, he played the entire thing in one sitting he completed the entire game in one sitting he did it under under 21 hour 22 hours 21 under under 21 or 22 hours something like that, and like all the faces the entire game ended it saw the credits one sitting and I 21 thank you and it's like the most impressive thing I've ever seen in my entire life kind of and also like what a Chad I don't even it's insane, it's it's so so cool and it's so impressive in so many levels because like first of all I know he's been speed the game he's like he knows a lot of it but like most of the recipes have changed and like all the tricks he used like yo so so that was a legit run but he did, so, yeah no not mods without mods completely vanilla no Advanced game settings either and, Jesus yeah yeah yeah and the most insane thing was that he he disabled Autos saving, for some reason and when he sa I was like please save at the end of the when he did he watched all the credits and all that [ __ ] and he was I was like please save so I can have the save F cuz I want to treasure this and he he opened the save settings he was like oh last time I say it was 13 hours ago and, yeah he had no crashes during his entire playthrough which is also like holy [ __ ] that's a miracle and literally as he was about to close the game the game crashed, what a note to end it on so yeah what a what a Journey yeah imagine that crash that's my C to go to bed yeah yeah yeah that crash has like lost 13 hours of progress my goodness so I'm so glad that they managed to do it in one sitting and all that thing gigachad shout out to epy well done I'm so I'm so happy I also caught the ending as as it was wrapping up that also means we just have to make like 18 phases inside actually but yeah it was so funny too cuz we were in the programming meeting when when he was he was finishing it, and I just messaged people like, someone is about to finish the game and it was like the day after I like wait what shot so crazy yeah did we do can we do a shout out to Epiphany, oh we did I did at least oh I did okay cool cool cool yeah so yeah what what were we doing again Q&A [ __ ] I forgot wait when when you say shout out is there like a shout out function on yeah yeah you can do like so give like shout outs to the channel oh [ __ ] no wa is it last shout out it is yeah holy moly I think this yeah there you go okay I spell the name right right yeah I think that's the, no sorry I just went, just spoke it out loud it worked cool yeah cool it's it's, it was the right channel too yeah that's good to know and yeah their the entire VOD is I don't know if the entire VOD is up on Twitch yeah he did so yeah first satisfact any% attempt stream does not end until the game does, and there's also like a a highlights reel on their YouTube channel with like the best bits that could have been dangerous imagine that I could have died game yeah legit like depending on yeah take care of so chat yeah sleep is important I say