September 24th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: Why do Train Signals have red on top?

September 24th, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: Why do Train Signals have red on top?

Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-UqmFRjI3LFs">[ YouTube - September 24th, 2024 Livestream - Q&A: Why do Train Signals have red on top?]</ref>



I noticed that train signals in game has red on top rather than green on top which is how in real life train signals has is there a particular reason behind this decision, okay because I'm not sure if this is the case but I imagine this is how it went I think the reason why we did this is because if we did the opposite where green would be on top most people would complain that like oh the signals are weird like why doesn't why don't they look like regular traffic lights, is how I imagine it would look like or how it would play out so- I think that's the main reason it's always a train


nerds, we make like this is not just us but I see game developers do this in general a lot where if if there is some like specific circumstance for something but everyone has like a public like Al model of like how something should look then whenever you're accurate in games people complain, you know what I mean like people will people will see the train signal thing for instance and like people who know what train signals look like be like oh that that is correct that looks right and that's like how many like and then the majority of other people would be like that looks wrong and, just not like we'd rather have the minority people complaining about the signals not look incorrect rather than have the majority complaining that they look wrong you know what I mean even though they're technically incorrect, but this is you know this is this is satisfactory this is an alien planet the train signals are custom made for this planet you know it's a who's who's to say what's right or wrong it's oh it's the magic space sci-fi whatever