March 19th, 2024 Livestream Intro / State of Dev

March 19th, 2024 Livestream

Intro / State of Dev

00:00 Mikael can't untaste things because of Snutt
01:17 Lighting sorted from last week
02:12 Intro
02:38 It's Satisfactory's Birthday
04:24 Terrible Jokes
08:23 That article that got confused about the facts
09:32 State of Dev: Intro
10:49 State of Dev: Recipe Rebalance being worked on
12:10 Recipe Tier Lists
19:19 Back to talking about Coke + mucus
20:11 State of Dev: Recipe Rebalance being worked on (continued)
22:47 Mods to tweak amounts of screws required

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oh yo what a what a fantastic start oh I was waiting for that I feel let me open mine too I feel filed yo that's a good that's a good do you beat box so refreshing yeah so refreshing yeah fun tidbit for chat I'm only drinking Coke Zero today not Pepsi Max because not ruin Pepsi for me he told me it tastes like toothpaste and I actually- I can't untasted now it does it does taste like tooth I'm telling you man [ __ ] abolutely hate you for it it's vile yep that's how it is sponsored by Coke M hello Chad welcome to the weekly, shenanigan stream hello hello aloha where I'm not even I'm not even gigabite today that's that's nice yeah yeah you got that highlight fall off whatever it's called Uh low light compensation it's turned off for once that's hot that's that's how how I want it I'm always low light you were merely Born Into the L life I was welded by it is it TMI in like any n n what n NDA no toos direction if I come if I admit that I've been called Black in my life that's fine right to say I mean why wouldn't it be I know right it's true it's it's illegal yeah I consider myself somewhere, in limbo in between FYI that's your daily trivia for today day Walker anyways that's my dead talk hello chat welcome everybody to the weekly live stream where we, we, whatever just I'm not going to go there, I kind of saw that coming actually this man is tired guys oh yeah let me tell spoilers can we just skip the stream today all right cool thanks ra message yeah ra message no but welcome to the weekly death today's a very special day though because today's our birthday the, eight fivey year anniversary fiveyear birthday for satisfactory happy birthday happy birthday my goodness they grow up so fast they grow up so fast no we oh gajin thank thank you for the wait Gin Gin G I'm going to say gyin we have a ra in coming thank you so much sorry, we're not in the Q&A we jump really quickly we should we do the stream backward today yo actually why not no wait it's The 1 of April a Tuesday this month no no no oh it's a Monday so close so close that could have been a bit could have been but it's not so here we are today, yeah it's it's we released satisfactory March 19 on Epic gam store back in


201 18 19 19 I can do math, and, here we are today still still kicking still running so, y all kept the ship floating yeah us guys boy howdy was sinking but y'all kept it anyhow through pandemics through updates yeah through engine swaps yesh it's been a journey I remember back in my day when we worked on a real Engine 4 four those were the days all right yeah anyways, motorcycles when good question oh yeah can I just quick disclaimer, my nose is kind of runny today so if I do a lot that then I'm sorry if that's noisy or annoying but just so you know runny runny yeah yeah you better catch it then all right anyways we've got a packed show for you today in in like in in contrast to every other show or whatever every other time, we don't have a pack show I guess, yeah we're going to we're going to hang out today and check out some state of Dev and some cute highlights and and it's going to be baller Vu and, bro end of the stream twice in two minutes that's that's that's the kind of day we're into today it's the kind of stream we're into today, it is so weird our nose is running but our feet smell pretty good actually I'm G steal that for something oh that's really good actually, you know but it's it's, it's a while I remember I was like yesterday when, we released satisfactory and, it was very hectic, I actually legit don't remember releas we I remember eating pizza and that was and we had technical teal difficulties we were like troubleshooting live streamers were playing our game and we were like troubleshooting like how to fix, some of the like connection issues people were having back then so like we had while having pizza we had yeah so like we had we were all like sitting in the conference room watching streamers play the game and we ran into one streamer where they had issues connecting to each other and our programmers at the time ran up to his PC and we're like yo can we call you so we called him on Stream So we had like a Discord call running with that streamer and like troubleshooting, trying to solve the problem I don't think we actually solve the problem but it was really beneficial for us in like one of the coming patches, that's the only thing I remember from from that day it was, did we have a release stream that day I don't think we did I don't think we started doing that until like update three you're asking me no I'm asking chat cuz I don't think we had release stream for, I mean chat is old but they're not snoot old are they are they pretty sure there are some OG people here how many people here bought the game day one yeah yeah once in chat if you got it on on day one back in March 2019 like we have a couple yeah holy [ __ ] oh Dano has a two wait Tesla ly 3 days after close enough 69 yeah steam day one steam doesn't count steam steam that's not steam doesn't count it's just steam who cares it's all about the Epic exclusive we were like the first one of the first games on the epic game store oh [ __ ] yeah man yo do we have cake on Steam birthday day too birthday day that's like your, that's like when, when you have your birthday on like a leap year so it's like ah your birthday doesn't count so yeah most of the days, [ __ ] I don't know we come far chat I don't have anything else to say about that it was it was good times it was it's, fun times and it's going to be I'm going to try and remember the 1.0 launch even better, because it's going to be exciting the 1.0 launch by the way is not in a few days, I just want to mention that real quick, some people may have seen an art article, that was based on an article from nme that was, on the birthday event and they, miscredited, I think they just made like a weird typo or whatever chat GPT, where they were referencing that like our birthday is coming up in a few days but instead they wrote that satisfactory 1.0 launches coming up in a few days which, left a lot of people little kind of confused, unless press the button press the button oh [ __ ] sorry but wrong Buton oh but yeah no, we're not going to release the game in a few days okay chill that's not happening they actually fixed that article so it's fine, oh they did they did I'll never checked, but yeah that's, I don't remember where I was going this but, we're I guess it's a good segue into state of Dev where's the button here it is, because, we're still working on that game we don't have too much new information to information to share today, and, I mean for those that maybe don't know the latest is that, the game is currently in beta internally beta and, we're working towards fixing a lot of stuff so that we can feel comfortable putting it in close beta, or like not open it up but like start testing the game in its current state on a few people that have signed up for the closed beta you can do exclamation mark beta if you if you're curious about where you can sign up, not that I won't do I feel like at this point you have a higher probability of getting signed up for the Clos beta if you don't sign


up it's like playing the lottery it's like you have a higher chance if you don't buy a ticket that winning it or whatever anyways, so so no the game is in beta currently, we are working on, fine-tuning it so that like we're in a good State, actually one thing that we're currently working on that might be in exciting for people here is that we're, working on the rebalancing at the moment so a lot of recipes are being, fiddled with I guess it's one way to put it so, a lot of recipes are going to change actually, in throughout the entire game, very slightly in some cases but, we are actually doing a full like sort of rebalance of of, many tiers to the game, so and I we don't know currently what those changes are going to be because I mean we're still working on it so there's not too much we can share, but that's that's your warning chat that, game's going to change a little bit and the save files will still load as usual you know but some of your production lines might not be 100% efficient, or there might be even some recipe changes some here and there, so be be aware but here's the thing though I think the majority of people at least based on like I think I think a lot of people based on what I've seen at least online is that a lot I think a lot of people want to restart the game anyways so it might not affect that many people if you're still going to like restart the game anyways for 1.0, so, I've seen some I've seen some recipe tier lists out there and, mind the changes in Balance will still mean massive changes in teist to see if somebody actually made I haven't seen that in a while actually people making like tier lists of the recipes or like they made it for the alt recipes- I remember H yeah maybe that's the ones actually I those are interesting those are really interesting actually let me just Google this real quick satisfactory recipe tier list I don't exactly know if they're judging recipes by how like how fast you can or how convenient You Can Craft You Can Craft holy [ __ ] I just found a Reddit post that is w I need to share this, there was the massive massive posts I think the latest one I found is U7 I don't think I've seen a u8 one but I mean we we haven't changed anything in in update 8 well maybe that's why so where is the there it is y so check this [ __ ] out okay chat [ __ ] someone put in the time mhm there exactly there you go these, right R 56, alt recipes is something that's always been discussed, like which alt recipes are worth that or not, and here someone actually made like a tier list of all the recipes- I've seen M multiple people do this this was just like the first hit I got when I when I search it I can I can pop a link in chat, I need to check this out when is this from, 6 months ago yeah so this is relevant oh this is pretty recent actually, this yeah this [ __ ] is interesting I think, I wonder if marus this but could you blindly follow this because I feel like depending on what you're building or just where you are in the game surely you have something like you can have an option say a b option that's better than an A or even s option people have very strong opinions like back and forth I would say like some people have very strong opinions as to like which alt recipes are worth it or not, and- I like we've designed the game with that in mind that like no one's there's no one best recipe for everything yeah, you know there's there's, there's there's many many different ways you can play the game there's many different constellations of how you like set stuff up and build things so, yeah like but but there are definitely, recipes that like we like based on people that have played for a long time and like actually figuring thought everything out because we've definitely spent a lot of time thinking about this stuff but that doesn't necessarily mean that you know we, we thought of everything so there's definitely probably cases where, you know people found other use cases for it, so but but I mean I don't know it's it's like- I sure I'm sure there are certain all recipes that are like objectively like better than than others like cast screw for instance is is like objectively better in my opinion than the basic screw recipe you know, and and like definitely if you want to avoid using screws altogether you know they're definitely, routes you need to take with alt recipes, to avoid it but I feel like it's a bit circumstantial cuz like a lot of times when I play at least I feel like Logistics matter more so like you kind of want to like if if you don't want to set up a big train Network and you want to build more modular you have to sort of, think about like what resource do I have within this like in in proximity where I am and then I'll pick all recipes based on like what I have you know at hand, and in that regard there's no like like obviously if I had all the resources all the nodes collectively in one place I would have a better like way way of picking and choosing like which recipe is the best but when I'm like in the in in the mud and I'm like I just need [ __ ], I need, plas I just need plaster so I can make this thing then I'm I'm just going to grab like whatever recipe that makes sense in the in the where I am, but if you can use if you can avoid using screws then you should I mean screws just like screws and, what's what's the box side one called The Scrap aluminium scrap like whenever you need like so many more belts like when it's hard to set up manifolds those recipes are always the most annoying ones I think, because then you can't just like make one manifold and like keep moving things around you actually have to think about like how you move belts around and, so, anyways well put snot thanks I knew- I knew I'd make it one day one day I'd make make a good comment on satisfactory I only have like what like thousands how many how many [ __ ] hours I have in this game I can't check, but yeah it is what it is I still have I don't think I've seen a in my save yet at all it's like you don't really need it until like tier seven remember that's why I don't remember cuz like box side is tier seven wait no box side is earlier cuz you get you don't need it until you get to the fast the fastest belts, anyways it's a bit in mhm I made a new save Yesterday by the way yeah and then when you get to elimin you made a new save what the [ __ ] yeah I'm kind of vibing just like reminiscing of how garbage I was still am but just a little bit l so but what about your I do my math now my other save I still need to make like, some of the footballs I'm missing footballs for restart 14 times it's only been six so far don't be that guy okay only six mhm it is I'm learning we're getting there yeah still having a much faster Pace now that I've learned it's okay to make spaghetti embrace it even the dark side embrace the dark side completely I feel like spaghetti is the realm of normal people actually sorry chat I don't know there's there's there's there's different ways of doing it I don't know how is that coke it's the only thing keeping me awake at the moment the only thing mhm yo I actually I wake I woke up like Giga slimy in no was in throat and it felt better towards lunch and then after lunch it just it just I love that you call it Ultra slimy mhm it is slimy that's that's that's the state of things right now well I have mucus in my nose like everybody else I'm not special by any means okay weird but but I'll take it yeah there you go what do you have in your nose, don't don't power unlimited power that's what I have in my nose all trust slim which is also how I describe beans don't mock my beans I Des beans interesting all right anyways, what was the point of this segment we were talking about state of Dev I completely lost track over we were talking about recipes recipes tier list if we backtrack yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we're balancing the game that was the whole like where this started yeah yeah yeah that's why here that's why I'm here so so just let why is Hello face Focus please stupid camera stupid stupid sexy camera, yeah we were balancing the game I guess what the the point we're currently we're finally doing it after so many like years of saying we're going to do it, we decided to do it like last step because we felt that like if we were to rebalance the game over time like over multiple updates then it's kind of disruptive when people had to like between every single update they would have to like re fig configure their reconfigure their factories just because like one recipe changed cuz like the tiniest like little thing can actually affect a lot of stuff like if we changed, how, some of the lower tier recipes are then like that will also affect like higher tier recipes as well when they're depending on the fact that like you need to produce I don't know x amount of screws and and, now we touch that stuff so I'm really excited so far I don't know if, yeah I mean I don't know too much about the the rebalance, it's not even in our internal build yet we're still still waiting that to come together but, yeah it'll be exciting to see screw change confirmed I don't think the screw change have changed, I don't cuz like most of the changes are more for like later tier stuff, so like you know the end game stuff but I think there's there's a couple of minor changes to some of the early once as well but not too much I think but we won't know until the game is out I guess, we'll probably try and communicate how the rebalance will look like before 1.0, just cuz I think it could be interesting, if there are any specific recipe changes that might be interesting to bring up we'll see I guess maybe we'll have Mark on the stream and he can talk about it I guess, if he has time busy man but, finally the right man can take the bashing yeah that that's that's essentially how the cookie crumbles right now mhm so yeah all recipes require extra screws confirmed can't that would be such a fun mod though if you made like a mod where like every single recipe requires SCS or something M that'd be insane we should just add all recipes that are just like producing screws it uses screws or something like that that mod already exists does it as in like there's no way there is no way all a mod that just makes more screws or cuz there's mods that are like there's a m screw you I need to look into this or screw it how do I how do- I hope Mark is not reading this by the way that man gets some funny ideas or urges sometimes, I should probably have done it on fix it. app setus screwy okay set is screw is it 2s I'm just going to copy is it called screw it like actually screw it I Googled that I didn't get this either are you are you just pulling my leg what the pros do it, screw it it's one word okay first try bam there it is screw oh this one called screw screws as well remove screw yeah removes the screws from all recipes that's pretty funny actually changes all items bu let me post this in so you guys can see it as well, here changes all items buildings and other things in the game to be screw that's, cursed that's that's a that's a mood that's pretty funny actually my favorite mod so far oh God kind of want to I wish it was like a you could see the recipes that they changed to be screw and then like all the inputs are screwed that' be PR funny anyways stop screwing around chat stop screwing around you screw too much, cool