May 11th, 2021 Livestream Q&A: Any news about Mass Foundations or Building Blueprints?

May 11th, 2021 Livestream

Q&A: Any news about Mass Foundations or Building Blueprints?

This question was possibly duplicated with a more recent answer: May 25th, 2021 Livestream Q&A: Mass Building?

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more any news on mass foundation building blueprints, no real news about that we had mark on a couple of weeks ago talking about blueprints and stuff like that and, it's like a heated debate at coffee stain because some of us wanted some of us don't like it and even our game director game director chan has gone back and forth on this, a couple of times, whether he likes it or not and currently mark was like pretty optimistic about it, he feels like could be good, but it all depends on like how it's implemented, so yeah that's that's the update on that don't know when that will happen though, or if it will happen because like it's it feels like at this point it's such a thing where like we talked about it for so long I don't know if it's actually gonna happen but yeah won't that be op that's kind of the issue that we need to fix if we add blueprint, one thing that marcus like thought about is having you know we were kind of influenced by oh what's his name something shaving cream on reddit, god what is this what's his name, they post like blueprint like actual blueprints like literal brewprints of like different setups for for like smaller old shaving foam that's that's the name shaving cream close enough schematics yeah like systematics thing where like here's a three by three grid where you can make, rotors or blah blah and we were kind of influenced by that when we saw that and we're like yeah but blueprints could maybe fit inside like a mesh or something like that and you can only have like a set amount of them or something like that so yeah limited area blueprint and, so so I think that's like the best idea we have so far but we haven't like even prototyped this or thought about it more it's still like the, the figuring it out phase so to speak so I don't know like when it will happen or if it will happen or you know that kind of stuff but we've been going back and forth about this a lot and we've we've pretty pretty pretty adamant about it in the past how like how we're not gonna have blueprints, but our minds have changed, and we're probably gonna change our mind again we'll see, because some of the changes we're making for the collisioning now maybe makes it much more enjoyable to build which maybe like completely diffuses the need for blueprints I remember how everyone was like you need to fix the you need to remove the knights or whatever and and as soon as we added lights people stopped complaining about that which was backwards how we said we were going to do it, but oh that's funny actually I'm thinking about it, so so yeah I don't know, if it will happen or when or who or what or how anyway who was the schematics guy on reddit somebody said snort no, what was it, dude shaving something foam see this is this is proof right here I have I have the memory of a, what was it damn it I forgot anyway, goldfish have better memory than I do goldfish actually have pretty good memory it's scientifically proven you guys, it's a myth anyway I guess it worked out better dory is that you yeah