July 2nd, 2024 Livestream Q&A: How will the first week after 1.0 release look like for you and the rest of the team?

July 2nd, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: How will the first week after 1.0 release look like for you and the rest of the team?


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how would the first week after 1.0 release look like for you and the rest of the team I think what's going to happen is we're going to fix bugs mostly mainly, so so I don't think we talked about this last week but so currently I guess this is a little bit of stateof Dev really but so so the the we're right now in the process where if you remember the road map video where I talked about like we'll have the that we're here and then we have a close beta and then do feature freeze or like, like when feature freeze is essentially when when we decide that like okay no more no more adding new stuff to the game we're just polishing what exists and we're fixing up like the existing features and we're you know doing that kind of stuff that also means that there's no like big, refactoring going on or anything like that where you know oh this the the I don't know the I can't think of an example the the system we use for, throwing no blisks that system is broken I want to rewrite that system so you won't see any new functionality but I'm rewriting the system so it work better not allowed to do that either so we're just focusing on polishing the game as much as we can so that we can reach, what's called like the gold state of the game or or reaching gold is is, what we call it when we have a version of the game that we be considered to be like final, done for 1.0 release, and I'm pretty sure we're working towards that still, there are still a few things that we need to to resolve and the game isn't fully fully finished we're very close and like we hope to have you know a release candidate so that we can like say okay here's the release candidate looks good let's test that as much as we possibly can and, be very like conservative as to like what we touch and change and whatnot, because it's kind of like the thing in software development where if you're too loose and Goosey and just like jump in the code and just fix stuff constantly then you'll be in like like this constant state of like you don't know the quality of things you don't know like the state of everything cuz like touching one system here may affect another system over here and like every time you test the the game you're testing like that version specifically so you don't know you know it's kind of like a black box until you dive into it and test it and and verify but like as soon as somebody touches one part of the black box it's suddenly a new black box right and you need to test that again and verify it and like sure there are probably a lot of systems in the game where you know if I touch, the you know how the like if I'm in level designing and I'm moving a bush bush that probably doesn't affect you know the logic system of the game right so like there are some of these assumptions we can make we're making changes but it's very scary from like the producer side and the QA side to be certain of that so we need to be able to test as much as possible so so we're very like careful as to like what we change right now with the game just because we want to make sure that like the 1.0 release is as staple and and good as it can possibly get and and you know hopefully increase the general quality of the game now that doesn't say that there's not going to be any bugs on release, in fact like the moment we release the game and all however million people there are playing the game get their grubble hands on it, you guys will have way more time on your like as in you know a million play people playing the game for one hour is going to be way more time than us spending the entire studio just testing it for months, so there's probably going to be new things that, we haven't detected but we're pretty confident that we're going to be able to get like a good quality build out there like the 1.0 and there probably will be a day one patch because why not honestly I always get a bit like when people complain about games releasing a day one patch like I don't understand like why wouldn't devs do that you know like why wouldn't you want to try and Patch as soon as possible if if you know between your release candidate and actual release that there are things like which there and like inevitably is going to be like why not make a day one patch so there probably will be a day one patch for satisfactory as well and, and, you know we'll take it from there but we won't have like an experimental period that we've had in the past like this is the goal is really to like release the game in its finished early access State, for for the release whenever that happens you know whenever the release date is, so I think that the next so this is a long winded way of me is saying like I think that the first week we're just going to spend time fixing some of the things that may we already knew about, that we want to hot fix into the current version but we also have plans to do, working on stuff further down the line for satisfactory so we might also focus on working on that so we'll see if, you know whether it dictates like we need to make like a Hot Patch as soon as possible or if we want to spend time working on, like the future stuff that we want to do