November 14th, 2023 Livestream Filming on Swedish Beaches

November 14th, 2023 Livestream

Filming on Swedish Beaches

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Enough yeah exciting 4 minutes and 42 seconds wow wow I can't I can't wait for this upate to be out cuz like as soon I swear to God as soon as we hit the button we're just going to run to the beach and just like start sipping Margarita it's going to be great it's going to be so good it's going to be like that it's going to be exactly like that that's that's, gez I didn't know you could film in the future that was insane wow impressive yeah there's your rain holy [ __ ] I'm really excited though, that's what the typical Swedish summer looks like by the way at least where I live, yeah fun fact about that shot by the way when I was filming that there were, the Coast Guard is like out and making sure that people don't go out on the beach, and I remember setting the camera up and everything by the way the camera I had weights on the camera and it's still almost, fell over it was I had weights and it was dug down into the sand and it would almost still flip over, he had like you know the spike legs that that cameras can have on the outside like everything that was in like that was one of of the storms that hit Sweden and it was like I purposely went out when it was the worst the worst time and the Coast Guard were just like walking P behind me like what the [ __ ] are you doing it was really funny, it's like they were when I was setting that up we were like ah should we talk to him or like what's going on and then when I brought up the glass the margarita glass then they're like all right whatever okay we get it h fun fun [ __ ] and then as was like before I got there as well there was some lady who stopped me like are you here to to take pictures of the birds and I was like no that's not why I'm here cuz she was like yeah cuz like they're not here it's a storm dude I'm like yeah- I figured oh it's an influencer yeah you know when you're film in public it's like awkward the first couple of times when you do it and then you get just get to a point where like I don't give a [ __ ] anyway whatever people can look all right exciting times I was