November 14th, 2023 Livestream Dedicated Servers

November 14th, 2023 Livestream

Dedicated Servers

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final thing I want to talk about before before it's too late is, or before the release I guess is that, dedicated servers is its own sort of thing dedicated servers are supported by us but they're not they're still experimental and like there are like even though we're moving up toate to the Early Access Branch dedicated servers are not leaving experimental in terms of like how the dedicated service works so there's still you know bugs with specific to Dedicated servers, that does not, that are tied specifically to Dedicated servers and those the the work that goes into dedicated servers that's sort of its own separate track, that's not going into the updates necessarily and like if we do make updates to Dedicated servers we'll sort of push those out, by themselves, and I also kind of want to mention real quick that we have actually recently done a lot of work that goes into dat deated server support, but you guys probably won't see that for a bit but, we are working on dedicated servers and we do want to have like proper fixes for all the issues that you guys are running into on dedicated servers and, yeah that's that's pretty much the gist of things good things to know about