November 14th, 2023 Livestream
Backup your damn game files
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mention, there there's 50 minutes left before we drop it, really quickly for anyone who just tuned in, interesting thing if you have a computer if you have Hardware that doesn't that might not be updated enough to run the latest version of onreal engine and run update 8 please remember that the game is DRM free so you can always make a local copy of the game as it is right now just save the directory before you update, and you can just boot it up from there granted this has to you have to like Boot It Up offline, you might need to turn off steam or epic or whatever when you boot it up because otherwise it's going to be like Oh you mean to play this version and it will load up the executable from the old one, there are some Guides Online that like how to set this up properly, back up your saves is also important don't for don't forget to back up your saves, but yeah like in regards to to that like if you if you're on Hardware that can't work that doesn't work for up toate remember that the game is Dr free you can save a local copy, just don't distribute it that's where the that's where the sort of the big no no happens you know what I mean, but you know local use it's totally fine that's why we made the game DRM free, for you to not have to handle like not have to deal with that stuff so to speak