November 14th, 2023 Livestream Snutt & Hannah Talk: The planned map changes *might* get updated

November 14th, 2023 Livestream

Snutt & Hannah Talk: The planned map changes *might* get updated

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we might update, I need sorry I need to go back to this again we might upd this this map again once update is out and like give you guys a more, because I think this is from like it's still very accurate it's still accurate it's from March there might be we'll we we're going to look through it I if if we feel like we need to update it we will if if not then we'll probably keep this and, it might still reflect sort of how how state of things are, when it comes to the plan stuff, just so you guys know but that's sort of the state of things right now, so yeah I kind of we kind of need