February 20th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: What are your top choices for voice actors for Lizard Doggo, Tick, and Flying Manta?

February 20th, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: What are your top choices for voice actors for Lizard Doggo, Tick, and Flying Manta?


Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-TWmDj7qkLno">[https://youtu.be/TWmDj7qkLno YouTube - February 20th, 2024 Livestream - Q&A: What are your top choices for voice actors for Lizard Doggo, Tick, and Flying Manta?]</ref>



also requet what are your top choices for voice actors for the lizard Doo The Tick, and the flying manta ray okay lizard Doo I want, what's his name from Always Sunny, the famous one, Jun no Robert Downy Jr what are you talking about he's not always sunny oh, what's his D Danny DeVito yeah so I want Denny DeVito on the Zago, on the bean I kind of want like, Tilla Swinton I think would be pretty sick as the bean, and then as the flying Manta would




robito a the man just like hey what are you doing he doesn't sound like that but you know what I mean like that was my best robber impression I guess Shan Bean but definitely D deito on on the on the L doo do you have any P Mel for voice actors I like Shan Bean as the Bean for obvious reasons all right why why the hell not yeah why the hell yeah he he always dies as well so it's like kind of it's kind of true for oh no, I don't really I don't really speak actors that much I barely know of any actors it's like movies and I don't really don't really m g will Shan is pretty good though yeah Shan Bean is nice for the Bean the Mana oh I could go for like I could go for like U what's his name what's his name I'm drawing a blank here but, like Morgan Freeman maybe Morgan Freeman yeah Morgan Freeman is the man or like the yeah Moran famous the lizard Doo no the Manta it has to be from above it has to be from above he played God in that one movie The Li was like I would love to eat that P that's also my amazing Morgan I'm really good at Impressions if you guys didn't know I'm really good at Impressions M yes