May 14th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: Would you consider Satisfactory AA, A, or Indie game?

May 14th, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: Would you consider Satisfactory AA, A, or Indie game?

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would you consider satisfactory a double A A or Indie what was the peak number of developers working on satisfactory, I don't know what the so I think like the the the term AAA I think that term is a little bit like I think companies use it differently, I've read in one of, one of those like, what was that I was going to say I mean they've even started using quadruple haven't they so yeah there was there was one stud who did that, sorry I think, I think the most like, agreed upon term is that has to do with the budget of a game so like AAA is usually when the budget exceeds, a million dollars I believe or maybe it's $10 million something like that it's it's they're crazy it's like crazy amount of money right when it takes a crazy amount of money to BU bu the game mhm, I think that's that's mostly how the term is used when it comes to like shareholder, explanations and [ __ ] like that I remember seeing it in one of those, like, end of year thingies and there was a disclaimer like AAA means that a game was made for more than a million dollar something like that, but I don't know like all the other terms like double A A Indie like Indie is also like one of the most disgust things where like what does indie even mean nowadays like Indie is like a genre but like Indie is like is it independent, like Dave the diver got like a a


, a, nomination for like best indie game but Dave the diver was not an indie game like it was not an independent Studio who made that, they had a publisher and they had a there was a whole thing so like I think these terms are sort of like there's no good agreed upon like definition I think so it's it's a bit like self self, identifiable in some case so but- I think- I think we would say that satisfactory is a double a game because I mean we've been like 30ish people working on that almost since, its Inception dawn of time yeah, and and you can do the math like if you take like the regular Game Dev salary and like multiply by 30 each month and you can sort of get an estimate of like how how much satisfactory cost to develop and we've been working on it for, a long time how many years is it I already forgot I think we said eight actually today I think we reached get number yeah so so so fact it's been an expensive game to make and, it's definitely not indie because we are I think satisfactory started off Indie because we were independent at some point but then we were purchased by embracer so we're not indie anymore, so I don't think that label is true I also want to mention something really quickly that bothered me on on Twitter there was a trend recently where, people were posting like the indie game were're making and the three games that we're inspired by and like I think it's nice when the small developers do that but when I started seeing like big companies saying like the indie game we're making and the games it's like but you're not an indie studio so come on just let them have it like whatever but that's the tangent of anyways so, so yeah that's I think that's a long yeah my my take on it at least mhm I think yeah I mean I don't really give the terms much thought either I'm just very very defaultly seen coffee stain as a whole as like I guess bordering on daa whatever the hell that means so it's like trying to label it I think they used that term as well when when embracer were talking about the whole restructuring they mention this like one of the restructure companies would be like we're focusing on AAA games and then the cof stain subsection would be like focusing on Double A and and smaller games so I think they use that even, but but again like those terms are kind of like there's no I don't think they're in the dictionary like what what defines a AAA game mhm but, yeah yeah yeah yeah FIFA the indie game exactly, I just want to mention right quick cuz somebody did the math there, I think 100 million is is the AAA, I think I said one or 10 but it's like that that's too little too I think triaa is like insane so weird at $10 million is too little at this point cuz like if I Google AAA game budget cuz I think like Spider-Man was like 300 million or something like that right yeah it was like yeah 270 or something yeah stupid stupid close to ENT level and mid features functions between 60 million and 80 million so I guess like yeah it's close to 100, ridiculous yeah so it's it's a lot of money mhm and we're not there with status facty we're not even close oh we're on the way but yeah