February 4th, 2025 Livestream Mikael & Hannah Talk: Memes, Soy Sauce Ice Cream

February 4th, 2025 Livestream

Mikael & Hannah Talk: Memes, Soy Sauce Ice Cream


Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-TCIube5o8PY">[https://youtu.be/TCIube5o8PY YouTube - February 4th, 2025 Livestream - Mikael & Hannah Talk: Memes, Soy Sauce Ice Cream]</ref>



so I have a question for Andrew what the hell is your question- I cannot make sense of it with satisfactory has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like sorry okay, what please please explain I need no mate you you do need more than 2 hours of sleep after all there's no way m oh oh no wait I know it I know what this is I know what this is yeah it's a meme I'm trying to I'm trying to read just all of the capital letters as one word and that does not make sense either so it becomes ay kind of yeah yeah yeah yeah it's like is this some secret code no it's just it's just it's the Internet it's a meme to be fair it does make about as much sense as the act as the actual question I'm not getting the meme what meme is this it's just I don't know it's it's I think it's like this ancient it's it's an ancient thing where someone just really couldn't formulate their thoughts just it was essentially that, also considering- I am, you know we're post 1.0 and I am the the writer you can ask me questions about that too now for the first time ever exclusive oh my God- I already saw some folks talking about it in the twitch chat, yeah I was going to I was going to sorry I was waiting for chat to, pick up on that to see if they heard that team's notification, yeah because, what who am I supposed to lie to fool yeah okay like the set up for having you know Hannah's audio come through scream it may it may have been a not last minute Endeavor but like last hour Endeavor so some Kinks to it was tight yeah yeah yeah yeah some some other sounds that should not Le through Le through and that was from our HR Boss by the way who tried to poison us before the stream so, oh yeah she actually did she actually did so it's it us it is a Wonder we are alive to be here in the first place I don't know like how did this even come to be like someone was talking about like soy sauce and ice cream as being a good combination and I don't know why and then Anna was like okay now I want to try this and the problem is that she didn't just try it she made us try it too she just put a scoop of ice cream on a plate poured soy sauce over it and just like handed it to me the best part is that she was the one who was interested and wanted the try it but then she still had six other people explicitly try this before she even prepped her own it's like okay we we have all concluded that maybe it could work in some shape or form but you need to get the ratios perfectly right or it's just absolutely disgusting yep cuz like otherwise it's either just soy but there's like it's it's creamy which is weird so it's just creamy salt or it's just like vanilla ice cream that's like vaguely salty somehow which is the better version but still it I do like the 100 to zero rati I'm a fan of that yes I yes 100% soy sauce on either end honestly yeah yes yeah yeah it was an experiment but honestly I can't deny- I got really curious about how that would taste like and it tastes about what you expect it to to taste like honestly it's just literally just soy sauce and ice cream it left a terrible aftertaste for me like I felt some almost like almost, what's bitter bitter saltiness in my mouth for like 5 minutes afterwards I don't know, moving on