February 11th, 2025 Livestream Q&A: Can you make it so we can control the Drone path or so they don't clip through Buildings?

February 11th, 2025 Livestream

Q&A: Can you make it so we can control the Drone path or so they don't clip through Buildings?

00:00 Q&A: Can you make it so we can control the Drone path or so they don't clip through Buildings?
01:47 Q&A: Can Drones clip through Buildings because FICSIT did research on the Flying Manta?


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Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-T9DXDrjTXnY">[https://youtu.be/T9DXDrjTXnY YouTube - February 11th, 2025 Livestream - Q&A: Can you make it so we can control the Drone path or so they don't clip through Buildings?]</ref>



can you make that we can control the Drone path a little bit or the drones can't fly through buildings I think yeah, controlling drones is probably off the table straight off have them not fly through buildings I mean I can't confirm confirm off the top of my head but I'm just going to assume like it follows the same logic as to why belts can clip and literally everything else can clip in the game as well, I don't think that's an easy feed to achieve so just again like gut feeling even if I do bring this to as feedback to the programmers, I'd be hearing a whole bunch of reasons valid reasons as to why that's not possible, cuz they always ask and if it's something you are dying to have in the game then do post it on the QA site and we because we do take in feedback from there all the time, and yeah if that g traction people might actually take a look at it yeah also can you imagine like Andrew said like drones like they drones fly through things and they can deliver things in time imagine if drones kept colliding with stuff on the map and it would delay your deliveries like imagine how annoying that would be yeah I can see that yeah yeah it would have to it would have to like path to avoid everything but then again then it's also like okay then you don't maybe get a steady sort of like predictable delivery time either this might actually have like problems Way Beyond like what you think oh God drone traffic jam I mean that already happens but no yeah let's see can drones clip through buildings because Fixit did research on the flying Mana probably yes