March 7th, 2023 Livestream Intro / Coffee Stain / State of Dev

March 7th, 2023 Livestream

Intro / Coffee Stain / State of Dev

00:00 Intro
01:57 State of Dev
05:35 The corporate structure of Coffee Stain
21:03 QA Site has not been forgotten

This question has 4 related topics
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thank you hello and welcome howdy howdy howdy howdy I hope you're all doing well welcome to the Tuesday weekly Dev stream hurdy birdie birdie my name is actually out actually our second stream of the day we've been really busy ours wait a second stream of the day yeah wait yeah the people who were here before I was like what did you do this morning Jace did you stream already sneaky stream yeah I, look I went live and I was like we're ready to change this one thing and I didn't want to do it while we were alive so yeah you have to deal with this pump we're just popping up those numbers now we can go to Stefan and be like actually we streamed twice on Tuesdays please double my salary please double my salary yeah double the streams double the salary anyways welcome everybody to the weekly Dev stream where we hang out and we talk about well not too much at the moment because we're we don't have too much to talk about update 8 wise at least like the stuff there's stuff to talk about regardless but, yeah welcome everybody welcome Simeon you're on thin ice buddy all right I or I already threatened to ban you before buddy now there's two times zero equals zero situation hello this is dangerous this is dangerous the nice buddy yeah, but yeah true not a lot to talk about recently which has been a bit of a bummer but, you know we will we will eventually and, maybe sooner rather than later yes pretty cool but we can still talk a little bit about like sort of give a I'm gonna switch towards Theta Dev here we can sort of give a quick like just recap if people are new here haven't been here on the previous streams, don't know what the hell's going on, usually on this change to do like a little bit of a state of Dev and we we mentioned like sort of what we're working on we've been kind of secret because we've been working on a couple of things we're working on two things in tandem working on the final release of the game 1.0 all the content that is going to go into there like this is when we've said that like all the updates up since like six I believe or seven five four three two one six I think yeah we sort of split development into two branches where one half of the company sort of it's not really true but it's like that's what the way the branches look at least it's like half of the people are working on content that's going into 1.0 that we want to keep secret until 1.0, and all that jazz and then there's the people have been working on the stuff that you've seen so far which is like update six seven and eight update eight you haven't seen too much of because we haven't shown too much of it yet we're gonna score anything really yeah really, but we're gonna start doing that soon ish I think, and well famous last words and then we get delayed yeah or whatever yeah but, who knows yeah but, yeah so we're working on two different branches essentially and, during these streams we've essentially gone and and been like yep we we don't have too much to say other than update is coming sometime sometime this universe like sometimes our lifetime hopefully yep yep, we don't have any dates we can give we don't have any information yet as to what's in them but what we can say is that we're going to do a similar thing we did you know the previous updates where before we actually released it we're going to talk about what's in it and and bringing you guys along for the ride essentially and give you as much information as possible, and then we release it on experimental and then it's out for experimental for a while and then it's out on Early Access after we've done some bug fixing and getting some feedback on it and stuff like that yep, pretty much what he said yeah so that's that's essentially what we're working we're working on updating we're working on 1.0 yep and but people who have been around for a while will know that like, we you know we plan out like a bunch of like teaser content leading into the update, we just don't want to do that too soon, if we don't have things to show or if we're just gonna run out of content later or if we're not really secure and like approximately when the update will drop which is why there's this awkward like empty space but, yeah I mean- I think it's okay that we sort of just Revel in the empty space for a little while and then, and then we'll have our our fun fun, periods again, soon so yeah hopefully fairly soon yeah and I know that people also ask like why why but why do you stream if you don't have anything if any new information to give and- I think there's a couple of reasons for it but I think it's mainly that we want to whenever you show you guys that we're still alive we're still doing stuff because see if we just go radio silent I think that also can be a little bit like what's actually going on like you know there's still here we get to hang out a little bit and maintain like a bit of a relationship exactly right like we're all people here it's fun to hang out and see that you know we don't get to see you guys faces but like I get to see like names that I recognize and it's nice to hear you here again or see you here again and I'm sure you guys appreciate it as well if you only want news then sorry but you know we're a community we gotta hang out exactly we don't actually it's it's a decent, segue into our next, agenda point because last week I made a video on the corporate structure of coffee stain yeah which is bananas, that I would make that video for starters but also at a time where people are you know most hyped and anticipating the next update for satisfactory and I'm like no wait actually actually let's talk business let's talk business let's talk about corporate structure actually, I was really nervous about making that video but I was like no we don't have anything else to talk about right now so I can say nothing or we could you know try shed some light on something that's actually a little bit confusing, and, turns out like the response, I'm pretty great people have been insanely insanely good like you guys don't see like dislike ratios and stuff anymore but it's like less than one percent dislikes which is like one I thought they would be we don't I don't really care about like just like that much it's just surprising that's what I'm saying right it doesn't really matter one way or another but it's just surprising like I thought one making a video about corporate structure wouldn't be interesting at all and people probably would be like well whatever but then at this time where people want information more than anything, that update like even more so but actually it seems like, maybe I did a pretty good job but also you guys were like we must hit a like a bit of a nerve there because like yeah it must have been confusing about the coffee State thing if so many people found it to be useful and, yeah informative so I looked so nervous I was a little nervous there's other factors that made me look a little nervous yeah because there's there's more than just us on on the line but like we're we're like when we're sort of here and we're talking about our game satisfactory we're also sort of not representing but like we are you know there's a lot of games under the coffee stain umbrella that are sort of not affected but like you see us in the light of those games as well sort of so like people know of valheim being published by by coffee stain publishing they know like how we are and like then they also like sort of make the connection between okay coffee stain student J's valheim you know like all these like different connections as well so like we we're sort of even though we're technically not a big family because like we don't have anything to do with valheim like people still sort of make the connection and connect the dots and that stuff, and and ask us about stuff from those games where we don't know, but yeah I have I have a quick snap from the the video which is who here it is the big old, the the what do you call it the tree yep yeah the corporate structure the corporate structure essentially so so here's the tldr for those who haven't watched the video you should watch the video though because there's more info though but essentially coffee stain where we talk about coffee stain usually we're talking about is coffee stain Holland which is like the the group of companies we think of his name can you see the mouse on it I'm not sure oh damn it whatever else yeah, and we're in in the leftmost corner there coffee stain Studios I almost in the Tweet today, there was a tweet it's like, let's talk about what's going on at the studio I almost wrote Studios just because funny because we're called confidence Studios but we're just one Studio even though there were so many coffee stain Studios yeah that's what's so confusing yeah yeah it is confusing yeah so that was, interesting interesting to cover so like there's coffee stand holding which is the whole group of coffee scene Studios right but then there is our studio which is called coffee stain Studios yeah which is only one Studio, but then there are other Studios called coffee stain North coffee stain publishing lava potion easy trigger games box Dragon coffee sing Gothenburg and coffee St melma so like and these are all like individual Studios, that kind of just do their own thing yeah I guess apart from like all these studios are also by the way making their own games except for publishing which is like publishing is publishing, so like and and we're all completely like independent from one another so like there's no we don't really work on any other of the game like that any other the studio is working on and we don't really have any real input sometimes I know we get this question sometimes but like sometimes we'll talk to the other people at the studios if we run into like an issue or you know if there's something that we're looking into that we want feedback on in terms of like developments but but for the most part like also all games are made in like different engines, Goat Sim is made in Unreal Engine so we actually have had some collaboration on some of the code I think wait did we wait did we get the the Ragdoll, code multiplayer Ragdoll do we get the I don't know about that I know that the, there's some of the simulation, vehicle simulation implementation is from from Goat Sim Okay no Okay vehicle simulation when I say that by the way I don't mean the actual like physics I mean the the network simulation because when you're we got [ __ ] Alpha tangent here but I just want to clear this up because it got confusing last time like when you when you do multiplayer right there's there's one usually the way you do it is like you have a server which tells all the clients like this is what's happening do this this this this, but for the most part when you have physics involved it's it's it's not fast enough for a server to tell like by the way you're bouncing in this manner so what you usually do is you have on client you're simulating what you think will happen on server locally and then you you get info from the server and they're like no this actually happened and then you sync up essentially so for the longest time vehicles in satisfactory were completely driven from the server so the server would tell the client like hey you're driving here and you get like this weird thing where you're like bouncing around if you if you lag or you know if anything happens so this the solution we got from from Goat Sim is so now we're simulating on clients when you're driving like this is the physics that's happening and then we sync up with the server and try to like fix it if something's wrong yeah but now it feels a lot better than it used to that's the same that's the same kind of coded approach that we took for ragdolls for the body as well yeah because I know that like, and I don't know if well I don't know if we still if it's the exact same code anymore but like when I was programming on the game, Al ragdolls were crappy, across multiplayer, and I remember that we asked them like how do you because because they because they started doing multiplayer you know online multiplayer with goat simulator which wasn't in the original Goat Simulator so we asked them like Hey how do you do it and they just gave us their code and we just like put it in so, yeah I don't know if that's been touched ever since it's possible but yeah I don't know if it has this is there's a couple of places and I didn't see why it would have yeah it works well yeah so yeah but, but yeah like that that's one case like when it comes to like you know la valheim which is made in unity there's no we can't really share code there because it's two different code bases or like there's not even the same language


, yeah like so so that's essentially it yeah, yeah so there's like a bunch of different games and if you check out that video I put it in the chat I'll put it in there again, there's information a little bit of information about the other games that are made by other Studios that are affiliated with coffee stain and there's also a butt load of links in the description so if you, want to find more information about valheim or more about midnight ghost town or something like all those links to like their socials are right there so you can just go to that video don't even watch the video check the description and you'll just find a bunch of helpful stuff so, yeah go play go play a better game play default yeah exactly deep rock is made is yeah yeah no like the Final Fantasy true oh yeah we need to buy we need to buy Square Enix yeah Embrace her get on it wait did wasn't there didn't wasn't there like an announcement wait no I can't remember wasn't there something weird does anyone know about this was there something embracer with like last year or something I thought anyway maybe I'm misremembering my brain is telling me there's a connection there from like last year but I don't know you guys let me know if I'm if if I'm remembering something or not yeah right you guys will know thanks a great video you got it Crystal Dynamics is what I'm probably what I'm thinking of what is that maybe it was something like that it was something but what is it crystal diamonds is a studio okay and an embracer bought them or something something to do with but did they work on Final Fantasy or no well no they did, I think they did Tomb Raider which was then tied to Square Enix which is where my brain got the connection gotcha I think yeah, someone asking about my lizard doggo it's it's right there you just can't see it it's fine prove it not so yeah, check out the video essentially if you want to know more about the the corporate structure as to like why why is it so confusing we I don't think like I think I think the reason why it is confusing is because coffee stain has grown a lot like the last couple years and I don't think that like when when the founders came together they didn't have like this vision of like okay we're gonna become this huge [ __ ] we're gonna have they were just nine students they just made the studio out of University that was it yeah there was no grand plan yeah and then obviously and then one decision after another led to you know the situation you have here exactly yeah so like I think the first game that we published and it was actually I believe it was actually published by coffee Saints Studios not coffee same publishing was a story about my uncle which was made by gone North games which is now coffee stated North, and then it was after that went I guess well or something that I think the publishing division was sort of made up so that we could then like continue in publishing stuff, that's how that sort of you know so like it was just a series of like small steps that got to go to where we are and then we ended up with this weird situation where coffees in studios was was our studio only but that a parent company was made, and didn't take that name and now it's just strange yeah it is what it is yep someone asking are your socials monetized, and do you guys are in the majority of Revenue if so, our socials are not monetized we don't do any monetization without socials like, well apparently you can get paid for, ads on on Twitter, but also I mean if we talk about here twitch we don't monetize this we don't monetize our YouTube, one like the biggest reason for it is that we just don't really want it to influence the content, and if we can avoid ads and things like that where possible yeah yeah you can do that there's a couple of reasons but it's like I also personally think it's it's really valuable to not have like the extra added like if it's if you click on a YouTube video to watch like information about a game it's nice to not get that like extra ad thing on top of that because it just bloats the, and for us it's not the main income for us so like why have it essentially yeah exactly like our goal is well our goals my goal is not to make you buy the game our goal is just to take care of you guys that's our job, but but like I guess if you're gonna pay us for anything it's like the game that we make right so yeah cool do you have anything else you want to end on the note of the corporate structure or video thingy, no it was that you know what it was actually a fun video to make as dry as that topic is I think I you know I'm actually proud of myself with that video I think I made it entertaining and and good so that was it was actually really fun to make I'm really surprised that it was fun to make, and and I and- I'm glad everyone liked this so thank you very much for checking out the video everyone performed very very fairly well the comments were really nice thank you thank you I'm even getting it recommended in my YouTube feed oh I'm sorry more of Jay's face no but it's it's it's I also feel like it's it's a video that is kind of good to have because there's a lot of like partly also because I get so many DMS from people asking us about like Goat Sim or, you know any of the other games and it's it's always like it sucks that we have to like be like oh I don't know like I can't I can't help you you should probably talk to the ones like it sucks that that people can't like that is difficult for people to navigate towards like where should you go if you have issues with Goat Sim on mobile or whatever where should you go and like we don't always know the answer but like just asking any studio is kind of like Yeah It's Tricky yeah I've had I've had some people- I actually literally in these starting soon screen I checked my LinkedIn at a message from someone, asking to collaborate with goat simulator three hell yeah, and then it's like or can you put me in touch with someone who can help and that's like that's like it's a completely fair question to ask assuming that we sort of collaborate with people it's like not like not really I can't really I don't know who to put you in touch with, go and slide into their DMS on Twitter or something like that's literally it or like or like they look for people who work for coffee North the actual company would make it you know like I really can't help because I don't know who to put him in touch with yeah it's hard because like there's from our point is like why don't you research if you're gonna like if you go if you want to collaborate with the creators of Goat Sim why not research and like find a prayer at the studio but at the same time we haven't made it easy for people either no exactly exactly so it's it is give and take like there are many many people who accurately research, the information is out there and when they want to collaborate they can they can find that information that's an overwhelming number of people who do find that information, having said that though we can't really fault those who don't find it yeah, yeah because it is not it is not a clean, situation yeah but one funny they don't have Community matches either they do they all do yeah they all have socials they all have people working there they have contact emails they have everything yeah it's just hard to find them because you just see coffee stain when you bring up the game it's it's not even that hard to find them you just need to search for the right one I don't know hey whatever it's confusing it is what it is but it's like you you also have to know that like because when you boot up I think that's the case for at least date progress like when you boot up the game you just says coffee stain and then it says, I almost said deep seal but that's not the name is due it's, [ __ ] I always forget the name of the studio for which which game, Deep Rock go ship Ghost Ship yeah like you just see like the first thing you see is the coffee thing you guys oh I'm just gonna google the coffee stain and then you Google coffees then you get like oh Deep Rock okay cool then those are the big questions no I guess yeah like you have to know that like oh but there might be what is what did they mean what does the titles mean huh I guess, one thing that, actually just a quick pause on the QA section, one thing about the QA site I just want to say is that that's not something that has been forgotten there's just like some work that needs to be done on it and like that stuff is that ball was still rolling I just want to just want to throw that out there real quick, it would have been good to say that instead of Dev but, not really too much to, mention say it now we haven't forgot it's the QA side we're gonna we're gonna we haven't forgot about it yeah all right back back to the game all right