May 19th, 2020 Livestream Q&A: Any work on Occlusion Culling?

May 19th, 2020 Livestream

Q&A: Any work on Occlusion Culling?

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any work on occlusion calling I don't know if actually occlusion calling we have it yeah but it's it's it's it's epic solution for it and it's it's, it's good it's really good because it will be turned off it's it's worse than not having it but it's something I would like to investigate more because we are spending a lot of time in the frame to actually do the calling because we have such a dynamic world of like a lot of buildings that you place manually yeah but the because for the longest time it's been the case where like if you if you because this is a question that people ask a lot it's like if you build walls around your factory, it doesn't act like for the longest time satisfactory hasn't like occluded that inner part in the factory so like walls wouldn't occlude them there's two things to this so it actually has for a long time but there is actually a problem when you it can only use the last frames data like what you saw in the last frame and use depth information from that to call objects in the current frame which means that if you are standing and looking away from this wall and then you turn in one frame and look against the wall you don't have any depth information about the wall meaning you can't do any occlusion at all so you have to draw everything for one frame and then after that you have the information and then you can start calling and that's not ideal because it gets stutters when you move the camera a lot inside a very heavy base yeah I've been meaning to make like a video about this for for the longest time because it really is like it's not super obvious in what circumstances you you get these issues, and like the best way really to to to know that is to do the you know the freeze rendering and like actually move around and look at the word like what happen actually happens when you do certain things, so maybe that video I can make that sometimes but do you think they're what do you do do you think there are things we can do to improve that as well I hope so like there are things that I have in mind that I want to do and or test but it's so hard to predict how much it will affect only if it will actually be worse in cases so it's like I can't promise anything about it and actually do going in and rewriting calling in the engine is kind of deep inside the cuts of the rendering engine and that's a lot of work, that a lot of time that could be spent on potentially other things so like other optimizations and so on so we'll see yeah