November 8th, 2022 Livestream Community FYI: If you jump into a Hyper Tube with a Flashlight on it turns off

November 8th, 2022 Livestream

Community FYI: If you jump into a Hyper Tube with a Flashlight on it turns off

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if you jump into a hyper 2 with a flashlight on it turns off yeah, we know that goes back to the thing I talked about before like is it a major issue it's annoying but like I said a showstopper no do we have show separate bugs yes yeah we'll get around I hope it doesn't feel like I get I get worried sometimes that like you know with the community you guys run into bugs you know we get people who are like I reported this two years ago and hasn't been fixed you know, I don't know I don't know what to I don't know what to do about that because that's just kind of like how it's gonna be some things will just will never get prioritized up high enough well I think it's I think it's like a little bit of both right because it's also the just the being able to get around to that because like if we spend if we had some person just working on fixing bugs and they did nothing else, then like even then it would you know take quite some time to just get around to every issue because I think there's a little bit of like what's not Survivor bias but like the confirmation bias where there's like something you get hooked up on exactly and then that's the thing you notice and you still see like they still haven't fixed this thing though we fixed a thousand other things but we happen to not fix yours and so you're frustrated about that and that makes sense I get it but like it doesn't mean we're not doing anything but the other thing that I kind of wanted to touch on was like it's still really important that you guys tell us yeah like I understand that it's frustrating but it helps us a lot even though we may not get around to some things it's just really important for us to know because how else are we going to know about it and how else can we fix it for sure and we just have to we can only do what we can do yeah because I definitely there's definitely cases where when we're going through like issues on our end there's definitely cases where we'll point something out like oh here by the way it's it's like touching on that bug and people are like wait that bug like is that a bug like yeah yeah of course like it's been in the game for since forever it's like Oh I thought we fixed that or I Oh I thought that didn't wasn't relevant anymore so like it's it's a huge game like that's the hard part for me to communicate too like just how yeah how big the game is to work on and it's like I don't think there's maybe our producers are the closest but like there's few people like office saying that like have a grasp of like the entire project and I don't just mean like the game in its current state I'm talking about like the code base and like the things we're working on at the same time and like yeah you know all the bugs that we have I would probably say no one yeah it's it's a huge undertaking, and it makes me respect like the AAA industry like even more the fact that like you know Call of Duty can release with the quality they have can actually release it all yeah it can't release at all actually it is insane yeah yeah Mark understands all mark would have a pretty good overview Mark does have everything yeah
