December 6th, 2022 Livestream
Designing Blueprints
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<ref name="yt-ST6V-a4u8Qs,396.82977508565517,433.16607585655225">[ YouTube - December 6th, 2022 Livestream - Designing Blueprints]</ref>
- Features > Buildings > Blueprint Designer
- Satisfactory Updates > Released > Satisfactory Update 7
- Satisfactory Updates > Teasers & Trailers > Update 7 Patch Notes Video
you all have been asking for something like this for a long time and here we are introducing blueprints build layouts can now be saved and configured within a module with a maximum dimension of 32 cubic meters These Blueprints can then be constructed wherever you want making time-consuming build configurations much easier blueprints will need to be created in the blueprint designer as you can't take an existing Factor layout and slap that into a blueprint The Limited space makes it so that you'll have to come up with and plan out ways and how you assemble and combine your Blueprints and we think this will quite drastically change how you plan out your factory designs blueprints will also be saved into their