September 17th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: Could custom music be added now we have Streamer Mode?

September 17th, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: Could custom music be added now we have Streamer Mode?

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as October 2023 and as early as November 2022.
This question has a related video
Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-SRKB8VqLXdw">[ YouTube - September 17th, 2024 Livestream - Q&A: Could custom music be added now we have Streamer Mode?]</ref>



could custom boom box music be added now that there is a stream mode streamer mode that could give the option an actual use by disabling the custom music I think by virtue of having oh you have a finger up no keep going yeah I think by virtue of having the music in the game in the first place we do need to, we do need to, I'm bad with this with this lingo but pay for rights or whatever that entails so so first it's like a thing right so first of all all the audio in the game is handled by like another engine it's handled outside of Unreal Engine right and, is issue with that is that it's hard to H hook into it right so there's no way to do that at the moment, and if people want to add their custom yeah you you might be right that there might be some some legality with copyright as to like if people add custom music to the game technically they're the ones who are breaking copyright not us so like we wouldn't be liable for anything but it might be like a show of good faith that we don't add that to the game because people can break copyright or whatever I don't think it's a big issue but the Big B big issue really is that using, vwi, for for music handling the other thing I want to mention too is that that button the streamer mode does nothing that is just there for you for you that button is just year for you to feel confident that you can stream with the music in the game because we were worried that people, would play the game and then they' be like oh wait is the music copyrighted I don't know so maybe I'll just mute the music but we were worried about that so we added that button but the button does to do jack [ __ ] it's just there as a placebo just so you can feel like safe when streaming the game but in actuality it doesn't do anything, so this is like a 5,000 IQ play from us, so just wanted to mention that like you can stream totally fine without having streaming mode on it doesn't have any impact on the game we own all the rights to the music in the game and we're totally fine with you streaming it TT that to YouTube oh no no no no no no no we should have content idea and all that stuff so like if YouTube claims then it's YouTube's content idea yeah can I say real quick by the way super small tangent back when I used to play F4 I also streamed it on occasion and that game has a lot of tracks where there are lyrics, like mid battle and whatever and they are part of the game like they are the bgm but if you play those tracks in those battles again made by like made for the game heard for the first time in the game you still got copyright struck by soen well I think by automation but something something trigger so yeah there might there might be Jiffy [ __ ] going on there like even if music is made for a single game thing that's also happened to us in our community is that, one of the tracks that I used for the countdown on YouTube when I premiered the videos someone has content claimed that that like track that's used in the countdown thingy on YouTube so like there were a couple of content creators that were like reacting to the premiere, when we premiered the last two videos on a YouTube channel and they got [ __ ] copyright struck on those segments and it's just like YouTube's own like that's YouTube's music they [ __ ] Content ID on their own thing so, yeah mhm you'd think that they would have solved that but no