September 17th, 2024 Livestream Snutt & Mikael Talk: Console / Controller Support

September 17th, 2024 Livestream

Snutt & Mikael Talk: Console / Controller Support

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will you natur report the Linux we don't currently have plans for this unfortunately maybe I'm not saying we won't ever but at the moment this is not in the works, pting a console is enough work right now as it is by the way we're coming to console I don't know if you guys have heard this but, we we're coming to console we're going to need to, reiterate this almost every stream because I'm not sure how many people actually pay attention to that, but we are coming see what so we are coming to console, with satisfactory we don't know when we don't know how well we kind of know how but, we are working on it together with fishlabs who is helping us Port this, monstrosity of a game to console Dreamcast, it will come to Xbox and PlayStation and, more soon will more more news will follow which also news more soon more news which also means that we will have official controller support for satisfactory on PC at some point, same deal there we don't know when exactly but soon TM hopefully, and whoever anyone who has ever posted on like steam or whatever complaining about controls support like that's that's fine but whoever's been like it can't be that hard you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, yeah because we have learned the hard way how much work it was been to to and we still had don't have it we still are not there we've been working on it for almost a year now, if not more why don't we start working this control support is a lot of work for our game holy [ __ ] it is insane it's not just adding it to like add the buttons so they have functionality like every single UI in the game needs to change yeah it is so much work- I you chat right now just pick up a controller right now any controller just boot up the game and just try to imagine how you would map the entire thing it is I mean there are some really good like the, the steam mapping there are pretty good they're not good enough I think and if you're going to have like responsive UI as well like get out of here, so yeah we're working on it so so we're working on Console we're working on control support and this also means that we'll hopefully have like official like steam deck support as well, so stay tuned for more information in the near future so yeah is that something we can talk about cuz I legit don't know this, if we actually make UI adjustments for console is that Universal to all versions PC included no no okay okay we have to redo it for PC sort of not really red but that's part of the board process yeah cool cool cool cool, so yeah