February 11th, 2025 Livestream Q&A: Were the Nobelisks in last week's Teaser upgraded, or was it just about the leaves?

February 11th, 2025 Livestream

Q&A: Were the Nobelisks in last week's Teaser upgraded, or was it just about the leaves?


Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-SDWa7vqRA88">[https://youtu.be/SDWa7vqRA88 YouTube - February 11th, 2025 Livestream - Q&A: Were the Nobelisks in last week's Teaser upgraded, or was it just about the leaves?]</ref>



were the explosions in the video plutonium or fonum noelis or is it just an update to the large trees no now being removable, I'm not sure what nukes they were but yeah the point of that showcase because that's also something we showed in your face is that, huge Flora or Flora in general actually now is animated when it is, blown apart delet it does a little poof and there's leaves and stuff like it doesn't just pop out of existence like it never existed in the first place now it actually like looks like you destroyed the thing which is pretty cool no more Thanos snapping, you can feel extra guilty about the things you're doing, and also, there were questions last week about if the, if there was going to be like leaves and like, pick up of stuff items left behind on the ground that is not the case nothing will be like cluttered on the ground after stuff blows up or is removed it will just it's just animation that then like Fades away after it's done looking awesome so don't worry about having to, Mau through any biome picking up like millions of leaves later oh no no it's just it's just flavor it's just visual flavor, yep yeah