September 24th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: Do you have an ETA for the next semi-big patch for bug fixes other than crashes?

September 24th, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: Do you have an ETA for the next semi-big patch for bug fixes other than crashes?

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do you have an ETA for the next Semi big patch, for bug fixes other than crashes it's hard to say cuz we need to we need to fix those things first, it might be like yeah I don't know could be a while honestly, depending on how it goes we have a pretty big patch coming out this week I think with fixes and, you know there might be some smaller fixes in there depending on if we had time


, but we haven't really decided on like how far we're going to go with with, patching at the moment but I hope we can get around to solving some of these like inconvenience bugs or you want to call it but, the the truth of the matter folks is that, we can't keep patching the game forever there's going to be bugs in the game and there are so many bugs small bugs, so like we need to sort of figure out like what bugs we need to fix for 1.0 and what bugs we can live with being broken so like for instance the whole splitting thing there's a bug where like when you split Stacks they don't always give you like proper numbers like that's a bug for instance is that that should not be a 1.0 at all that even though that's a small bug you know that's something that we probably shouldn't have there, signs sometimes being upside down something you can fix yourself by rotating them I it's annoying, but if we don't have time to get around to that versus all the other things that we feel like we need to fix then we have to sort of live with that, and I'm not saying this is going to be the case with this specific bugs but, we have to sort of figure out like what we should prioritize and again the best way for us to figure out this prioritization process is for you guys to upload stuff on the QI side I know that a lot of people are saying they can't go to the QA site maybe this is regional oh wait now it's not woring for me either damn it oh wait no it's working it just took a long time to load whever we'll sort that out, once the who where do we go to report the QSI when the QI that, but like to help us sort of prioritize like what bugs we should look into and what actually like is important please go to the Q and upload that stuff if it ends up being that like more people complain about the sign rotation thing than people complaining about like stack sizes then you know that helps us determine like what we prioritize, so so please please help us, vote on this stuff so we can so we can prioritize