December 8th, 2020 Livestream Q&A: What do you think of the current state of the game?

December 8th, 2020 Livestream

Q&A: What do you think of the current state of the game?

Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-RtnMVVZj0E8">[ YouTube - December 8th, 2020 Livestream - Q&A: What do you think of the current state of the game?]</ref>



so someone, hisako asks, what what what do I think of the current state of the game I think it's a great game like you know like it's no secret like building factories and stuff like that not my type of game but like when I sit back as a game developer and I look at satisfactory I think it's it's a real game it's a real game with real purpose a lot of things to do really fun beautiful like super good game yeah very very proud to be part of the team so like even in this build you can kind of see where the fun lies like it's kind of it's also a bit weird looking at looking at this when you know the result yeah try and look at this like look at this without knowing what the game will look like eventually then you might understand what we mean because like you can kind of see like the aspect like oh this element because like I'm kind of having fun playing this right now, where I'm like running around like oh figure oh I need to I need this but it's such a like like there's no gameplay really yet it's just this progression this concept like carrot on the stick in front of your face going like here you can grab a little bit more a little bit more a little bit more yeah exactly and even though it kind of looks dog and whatever like the thing is like this game it was so addicting for us back then like like way way way back and I remember when we were, you know we had a bunch of game ideas prototype to figure out what we would do next and everyone would play everyone else's game for just a couple hours and then everyone got stuck on satisfactory yeah and just like couldn't stop playing it so it's like well even though it didn't look that great and if you compare it to what we have now you know it's completely not a garbage but the gameplay loop was there and that like addiction was there and that carrot on the stick was there it was fun and that's why I was like okay we have to make this work but you know it's one thing to make running from a to b and and researching fun it's another thing to to wrap it up into this actual package that is like carefully crafted and intentional