February 4th, 2025 Livestream Intro / Date of Stev

February 4th, 2025 Livestream

Intro / Date of Stev

00:00 Intro
04:42 Regular co-hosts
07:20 Community Manager job still open https://jobs.coffeestain.com/jobs/5372797-community-manager-for-satisfactory
08:27 State of Dev
12:42 Q&A: Will Crash Sites only be dismantlable after opening them?
13:11 Q&A: Will the animation changes for explodable flora lead to plants and sticks on the ground to collect?
14:05 Q&A: How many camels?
14:42 Q&A: Who named the planet?
15:03 More questions later
16:32 No Spoilers!
19:53 Console Release
22:04 Outro


Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-RePw3ZfUok8">[https://youtu.be/RePw3ZfUok8 YouTube - February 4th, 2025 Livestream - Intro / Date of Stev]</ref>




oh that's the wrong POV here we go hello oh hi look at that I'm I'm here already oh God M on TV God that intro was so loud in my ears for some reason that's see your issue oh is chat alive I hope chat talk to me oh listen oh there they are there they are hi everybody you're so late chat so delayed oh so yeah here we are and right off the bat obviously I am not alone we're two people on the stream again, reinforcements yes you may or may not have met Sno before, he's had a bit of a little, I guess makeover so- I've I've come back, because it turns out not being the community manager for satisfactory is terrible it sucks life was dark, despair didn't know what to do with myself so you know had a bit of a a transformation and I returned You' changed a lot man like I still like you don't get me wrong but it's, it's kind of Uncertain w wow okay I didn't know I didn't know I had to fulfill some criteria here I mean the bald the bald was a big part the bald was a very big part of it I'm not going to lie all right you know what like I just I got a hair transplant it's not the end of the world it's not it's it's okay like you just need some time I'll get used to it, chat I was going to ask immediately, we did some tests before going live here, sound and audio should be fine, is it like balance-wise do we sound okay not distorted not like loud one is too loud one is too, whatever sound is good they're not even trolling us you're so kind to me Chad and he's not even muted at all wow holy and also immediately it immediately hit me I'm kind of unused I mean I'm used to the two person POV but I'm very unused to seeing me on the left side yeah you're the one leading the charge hang yeah what is going on, well Hannah sounds better okay I'm not sure if that's actual like technical stuff or if you're just being toxic Fair yeah it's no no I think I think it's a fair comment we can with that yeah yeah yeah, also apparently I'm professional according to little bit streams which I appreciate uhhuh whether I agree with it or not beside the point yeah see that is not a mic problem all of you, so hello obviously chat we are not alone today, this is my first time leading the dev stream with another person in here so, I'm actually I'm actually very proud I kept saying, back before this start as well like I'm very proud of how at least the software and all came together like it seems to be working fine everything seems to be like held together not by the SCS but by actual logic and organization, that being said it is a live stream so something is going to come crashing down and burn anyway yeah yeah, so he- I have to tell you chat he was really tempting it at the beginning there but being like Oh my God the setup is so good it's working perfectly and I'm like please stop jinxing us please so now obviously something is going to crash and burn I can't help I can't help especially after how often snoot went on about man this is broken this time and this isn't I mean sometimes it was also visible on screen like this was broken that was Broken Sound was off and whatever and I'm like bro how hard was that man you couldn't even do this so now now I've cursed us now now I've cursed us twofold yes, lower the music oh, yeah we can do that is music a bit loud okay so there's always there's always something going on wait if I lower it is this is this better chat is this better immediately my electricity was out in the the mouse man every week much way better excellent awesome we're gig good nice louder I'll give you one debel just because it's you there you go bam there you go I don't need that many more, so yeah we're two people, so I did mention both, last week on the dev stream and also in the, video Last Friday if you did watch that that, the plan was obviously for the dev streams to keep happening which they are happening right now in fact, and the plan was to shuffle between me being solo and me bringing guests in on the show, and this is, pretty much not even that this is even better, I have a I have a friend in the office one friend yeah One Singular friend who came up to me pity is a good motivator I have to say I was walking there like Hunchback semi crying all alone and she was like listen if you ask nicely fine I can stream with you, and that's the plan like, as long as it's feasible for, like with Hannah's own schedule development wise, she will be supporting me for the dev streams for the foreseeable future with the right to pull out whenever the hell for whatever reason yeah so unfortunately that means that everyone's kind of stuck with me for the foreseeable future, so this friendship really was just an opportunity for me to roast Mikel live as much as possible which is one of my my favorite hobbies I have to say so so you can finally see how I'm being treated like internally all of you in chat you finally see why like where these, what do you call them in, they called like Po POR in Swedish like your u bags actually they are called bags in English like which is Bart under my eyes you know where they're coming from they're not from being stressed or from like overworked they're just from crying myself to sleep every night, yeah that does doesn't mean I'm not actually a community manager I'm just here to to like support during the live streams, and- I maybe I'll be more active in the Discord because of it as well we'll see how this goes but, it felt like it was nice to to have two people like during these streams just because the back and forth is is nicer to have and maybe some New Perspectives but I probably won't be the only new face or the not you know part of I might be part of a rotation of like other devs that come in and and say say there piece answer questions you know do the thing because we get to the the nice thing now of course is that we get to talk about a lot of the things that we couldn't talk about before the 1.0 launch indeed so yeah yeah yeah those interviews could happen with both of us plus a third or me and a third or yeah that chair is very flexible and rotating, and we are still looking for a new CM actively we still have the add up on our website, so if you are very interested in, being this Square on the right side side among other things, do apply do run in there and see if you, seem to fit with whatever is said there I already forgotten what I wrote something something camera yeah yeah something something talk a lot, and let's be real like the real reason it took this fast to find a streaming body internally was because we did one solo Dev stream last week and they were like listen man it's it's not you you alone it's a disaster it's a disaster we can't we can't keep doing that no yeah we can see the we can see the projections already go down it's it was a bad look yeah mhm, so that's how it is and they talks about, you know all people and stream people out of stream and being able to talk with, both Hannah and other people post 1.0 kind of leads us nicely into state of Dev, which we, you're going to have to brace yourself with this one chat to make sure your seed pills are fastened because surprise surprise we can't say too much imagine yeah what a concept we finally come to a point where we can't spoil them anymore it's incredible yeah they really thought oh something's going to change now that that a Dev is here but no you know if we knew more ourselves we might tell you trusted it's great that's basically the vibe of it yes, yeah also yeah if if you're a twitch Watcher but not a video Watcher I did mention on the YouTube video last week on Friday that, the team is back in full force in the office and all of the effort in the office is currently being, shoved into satisfactory the game we are cooking we are we are cooking on 1.1 we are cooking on consoles and we are cooking on more and that's the only word you're getting and that more is also tied to satisfactory but that is literally the only word you're getting from me about that so stuff is happening yes yes and since cooking you know that is a thing that you do where you heat things up means that snow biome is out of the question you can't cook a snow biome because then you just have like a normal biome so we can't make a snow biome it's it's just not possible directly from directly from the source itself it's over yep no biome it's just you know it's it's just the thermodynamics of it it's just not we can't we can't for it you know we can't break the rules not possible it's not feasible yeah if you behave chat actually wait how could how could chat from where they are bring the mood and the temperature down here internally how toxic would they have to be I mean I feel like- I mean I don't really need much to be called already so I don't it's fine this is the time chat it is winter right now so you don't need to push us hard to have us actually no yeah just got to open one window and that's it cold inspiration, so that is basically where the game is at now for that video as well if you did not watch, if you do not watch videos normally but if you still, if you are still very into the game you might want to at least check out the final part of said video because we did spoon feed you a couple of teasers I'm not even going to name how many because people have obviously been like listing, everything they've, SC both the obvious you know showcase what we did yeah and more I saw I saw some videos already coming out so there's people starting to speculate and starting to build on top so that's nice yeah but the only really obvious thing is that absolutely crash sites are now dismantlable including the corpses inside so be careful we don't we don't talk about that we don't we don't don't don't go there wait did the did the note say no spoilers no this is this is a command specifically from aah herself we do not talk about the crash sites okay we don't, don't speculate it's illegal thing is like, I was Giga wrong anyway with my all of my theories and, thinking about the lore in the story even like even during 1.0 development when I when the story was being tested on me I just had literally so much dialogue in front of my face like all that just piece together and I still still could not really make sense of, it sounded yeah I like the vibe of it I like the mystery Vibe and I did feel that the like actual building of you know something that makes tangible sense but that you will have to you know figure out yourself in drawing dots between the, or drawing lines between dots was there but I could not draw those lines they were not I mean honestly like you had a whole bunch of good guesses like you are on the path to right just not quite there, a couple of questions in chat as well about yeah let's actually answer just a little few details there were some questions, about the crash site including one right here, which is definitely good to address, you are assuming that these drop pods can be dismantled only after opening them that is correct you cannot dismantle them before they are opened, so you one don't have to worry about accidentally you know deleting hard drives of the face of, massage 2 a to a, and you can't dismantle them and like you know circumvent the material or power requirement to actually get the hard drive you have to still open it like you used to and then you can Dismount it afterwards, that is how it's going to work with that and the second question that I haven't seen here yet but that was asked, a couple of times in Discord and once even on Reddit was, which also I mean that was in your face enough that I'll definitely talk about it openly the fact that Flora is now animated when you blow it up it falls with style very satisfying it does and U the question there a couple of times was I hope this doesn't leave more a statement I hope this doesn't leave like leaves and sticks and on the ground for me to pick up but because by the time I'm like nuking Flora I'm very done with biomass anyway and that is correct that is just animation like there is nothing to like pick up or you know retrieve afterwards so it will just despawn off the ground it looks hella cool but that's about it it's just it's just flavor feedback you know yeah nice a nice little touch to everything instead of, instant teleportation so yeah we have a question for H hamburger TM in how many camels I have no idea what this means how many camels camels yeah the desert animal, I'm not sure zero yeah we have no camels on inside we have no we have no camels nor honest we should though or but the oh it's the no it's the DI someone asked me to marry them, and I said yes so okay, in that case five uhhuh, and also another question, who named the planet that would be me and they shouldn't have let me, oh someone also offered a graphics card unfortunately I have just bought a new graphics card so this is is you can't bribe me with those unfortunately speaking of more questions by the way we do have a Q&A segment like usual, after the highlights, and, I mean obviously is we have Hannah here now if you do have questions, in particular about design or writing or Mass Effect do PLU them in there and we shall address everything and believe me yeah yeah yeah yeah all three are very valid, I Al it is called massage 2 a BB right yes yeah- I keep going back to 2 aab for some reason like it's to AB yeah one should hope I learn that eventually it's only been a year and change it's been kind of I know it's been a year and a half almost for me now Jesus Christ well time's going fast you've really latched on here and we have not been able to you know solve that problem they couldn't excise me no were like finding some ways but then snot went away and they were like ah now we really can't get rid of him ah God damn it they're stuck with me and I love it Hannah is the one responsible for my Wi-Fi name well I am honored yet also slightly deserved that you chose that but thanks you achieved something yes yes, and I think honestly I think that's, short and sweet as it is that's all we can say about about state of death now I am being I am being suppressed by EMT our game director our producer our studio head, maybe by Hannah, in like momentarily we'll see I am being suppressed in spoiling them to because chat I like no chat I'll I'll take some credit here okay listen listen the initial trailer the initial teaser at the end of that video was going to be much shorter I was initially only allowed to show you the dismantling and that was it and I fought I fought to have more content in that teaser like I fought tooth and nail because I had felt we had been a bit too silent for a bit too long about 1.1 I'm not even joking I'll have him it in some video or some stream one day who can confirm it he won't confirm it but he he should because it's true I fought for that teaser I spoiled you you're welcome there you go mhm yeah, sure build up the Goodwill M you're going to need it oh God I am building my I am building me a bunker both in office and, probably wise inside the space speaking of, a bunker is basically what you're streaming of actually streaming from even it's, don't don't tell anyone they they can't know that I'm actually in hiding from the government yeah oh that room looking actually decent on camera like so but, we hide all of it if only if only oh by the way I didn't tell you don't sneeze because the camera will fall over and if it does and it hits the floor and it hits that like mess of quartz you you will you will die you're gone okay right thanks for putting me in a death trap but also you are really asking the wrong person in the office here not to sneeze oh like the only the only worst one would be Villa because of just the the violence involved but I love when Villa sneezes and someone in teams like five rooms away ghost plus yeah y oh we have em in chat oh right so now I can be extra yeah extra py so listen these people are suppressing me and theyve also you know they they've told me to keep it suppressed like don't really don't don't give them much more about 1.1 if anything, or you know anything else that matter yeah, but but but but, in my own head Cannon I would hope that it wouldn't be too many more videos before we can start touching on details just to have thetically put yes all right just to just to yeah I see yeah okay she hasn't told me off she hasn't she has a plug by the way, Hannah is's that way U my camera POV, that just kills everything if I start going overboard so she has not pulled that which is good I'm still say he's he's flying but I wish I did, so maybe maybe in the Clos in the future and that also like when I had that little Jam ramble in my head, I remembered one more thing that is actually proper state of Dev I mean it's all proper but that I was going to talk about from the beginning and that is the fact as well, if you're not a, if you're not a, YouTube video Watcher we did also mention in that video that me and snot on record, at least on dev streams maybe in a video I forget I'm sorry we did talk about consoles maybe being as early, we may we may have said hopefully we may even have said definitely hopefully being as early as this year q1, we confirmed in this video last week and I will confirm right now again that that is unfortunately no longer the case, because CES do change circumstances are, a bit wonky with game development, nothing is wrong or nothing is you know bad it's just you know unforeseen oh this was also a thing and this was also a thing and so it's just stuff happens yeah you learn stuff and stuff happens and circumstances do change and so consoles have been pushed to later this year but not q1 good to have that it's always a miracle like anything ships when it comes to games like cuz like the the I don't know the intricacy involved and especially when you're talking like multiple teams yeah it's just and then multiple teams multiple platforms and then translating something that was made for one platform very specifically to another and then just I don't know it's just so many like tricky things on top of one another yeah and then one Domino Falls and then yeah everything gets affected yep how confident were they before like was it like the the PS2 era and earlier how confident were people releasing games like this is done because you could not patch then and even a could you patch I'm not sure confidence would be the right word it might just be like just either sheer hubris or yeah or just just just a complete like surrender to to the powerlessness of like we just we just got him no choice we'll just see how it goes there's nothing we can do literally YOLO yep before YOLO was a thing yeah yep, yeah and that is basically everything we have for state of death