November 3rd, 2020 Livestream Q&A: How code-heavy is the game and how do you keep it organised?

November 3rd, 2020 Livestream

Q&A: How code-heavy is the game and how do you keep it organised?

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I'm not sure, code heavy is the game, how do you keep it organized and is it all interconnected you try to keep the modular code that is that's a very broad question, how how code heavy is the game and how do you organize it and very well to connected we try to keep it much it's all it's a [ __ ] show it's like worse than your spaghetti factories I don't I don't think it's a [ __ ] show but it's just it's just a huge project like there's so much code I guess that's what I mean- I didn't mean to say that we're we've done a poor job yeah I mean it's it's partly there's there is spaghetti code for sure, that's mine no mine too, like there are stuff that's like half finished, and yeah it's like it's there's parts of the game like we spent a lot of time looking into like the stuff that we feel like we want to like support for mods for instance we've taken like been very like certain that this needs to be good and then there are certain things that we've prototyped and then released for the game like for instance the the the lines that you that you see when you're placing factories and whatnot that's a prototype that I've made and they're like all right chip it I'm like it's not done I have whatever we'll fix it later we'll do it live, so like that happens and it's part of you know production making a game like you can't make everything perfect oh you have to choose your battles depending on what's important yeah