August 18th, 2023 Video Physics

August 18th, 2023 Video


Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-RIZS_qyiLH4,171.0713,209.6827300479721">[ YouTube - August 18th, 2023 Video - Physics]</ref>



of the main offenders we found when it comes to the hitching and like the stuttering that people have been seeing is the new physics engine, that we're using for the game it's called chaos which is a fitting name for you know how production for this update has been going when a game is making two big like modifications of acceleration physics or doing fast physics operation the physics engine engine would like cause buffers to constantly be rebuilt and that's a problem epic are aware of the underlying problem we reported to them but they don't currently have an ATA on when they'll have a fix for this but we've implemented our own fix so we have our own solution to fix this problem for now we also noticed that the creature