August 18th, 2023 Video Unreal Engine 5.2

August 18th, 2023 Video

Unreal Engine 5.2

Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-RIZS_qyiLH4,105.46691016136066,156.109867">[ YouTube - August 18th, 2023 Video - Unreal Engine 5.2]</ref>



why we're doing this is because we're planning to update the engine again to Unreal Engine 5.2 this isn't going to be nearly as big as an operation as it was going from Unreal Engine 4 to 5 but it's still going to require a lot of work from our end and the main reason why we're updating the engine again is because in the newer version a lot of the graphics related crashes will be resolved so that's dope 5.2 also has better vram handling specifically handling the unloading of memory from the vram which is an issue that has impacted our game specifically this also unfortunately kind of means that the modding support that's been put in place for updated will break but that's further down the line that's sort of after this like little break of us patching and experimental so no need to worry about it right now