November 21st, 2023 Livestream Q&A: Will Smart or Programmable Splitter ever get the option to change output rate?

November 21st, 2023 Livestream

Q&A: Will Smart or Programmable Splitter ever get the option to change output rate?

This question may have been asked previously at least 15 other times, as recently as April 2023 and as early as January 2020.
This question has 5 related videos
Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-REHuNPdUuuo">[ YouTube - November 21st, 2023 Livestream - Q&A: Will Smart or Programmable Splitter ever get the option to change output rate?]</ref>



will smart or programmable splitter ever get the option to change affect the output example changing 780 to 710, I like if okay I don't think we will but if we do it would be like a late game sort of thing right like it would be one of the last like things you can unlock in the game because a huge aspect of the game is that like the whole balancing and ratio and figuring that stuff out like that's huge part of the game and like solving that like logistical problem, you can sort of work around it with like setting factors and stuff like that but we feel like the belts have a much bigger effect when it comes to L Logistics handling and and if we make the gim like too streamlined then, a big chunk of the challenge is sort of gone but but we do see that people want this and, you know it's not let like we we're not like super stubborn we're stubborn in certain aspects but we have changed our minds in a couple occasions you know know like we've added stuff that people requested and then we were like, maybe not but then we changed our minds and I think this might be one of those things for it's possible we sh we might add something like this, maybe we'll add it to like the pro programmable splitter for instance, because I don't think there's too much of a difference between the smart splitter and the program splitter and like move it back and you get it later or something like that but I don't know this is just like me guessing but if you want to see that please upload the Q site and let us know, but as far as I know we probably won't do anything like that so I'm sorry I led you all on it's like this hypothetical train that I just put you guys on and then be like but it's got It's not going anywhere