August 27th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: What is the solution to get around the max belt speed issue, did the Engine upgrade help?

August 27th, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: What is the solution to get around the max belt speed issue, did the Engine upgrade help?

00:00 Q&A: What is the solution to get around the max belt speed issue, did the Engine upgrade help?
01:28 Q&A: How fast will the Mk.6 belt be?
01:55 Q&A: Is the belt shown in the latest video Mk.6? What is the speed, 1200 (maxed-out miner) or 1560 (2x 780)?
02:26 Q&A: Mk.6 belts means Mk.6 lifts?

This question may have been asked previously at least 33 other times, as recently as August 2024 and as early as March 2021.
This question has 10 related videos
Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-QjAlJrrdixM">[ YouTube - August 27th, 2024 Livestream - Q&A: What is the solution to get around the max belt speed issue, did the Engine upgrade help?]</ref>



what's the solution what was the solution to get around the Max Belt speed issue did the engine upgrade help with that what max speed belt issue what are we talking what are we talking about here, the engine upgrade actually had no effect on this whatsoever we just decided that it's time for mock yeah, so just a bit of clarification here if we're talking about the like issue we've had with belt speeds so belt speeds it's mostly been a visual issue, with pipes it's been like a floating Point error Precision thing, these are two separate issues, so with belts the the belt speed has always worked, with a little bit of a caveat for multiplayer potentially but we have completely reworked the, the conveyor belt system for Network so so hopefully, you know belts will look better on clients, they will be more like they will match better you know what's actually happening on on the sorry it's me moving away from the mic, the belt speed will match better like what's happening on server for clients and, yeah we'll the the fast and and fast belts, hopefully everything will be good yes how first will the marks six belt B so here is the thing about the ending of that video how do you know that that is, what you are assuming it is yeah yeah yeah how why are you guys so certain about like oh it's it has to be a Mark 6 belt yeah like word in that video so how would you actually know yeah I'm intrigued is the belts shown in the latest video Mark six what is the speed 12 100 maxed out minor or 1560 2x 780, new belts that's, a lot of lot of words yeah and numbers for something nobody has ever mentioned or confirmed by any, vibration of any those are some numbers for sure yeah yeah yeah yeah interesting interesting yeah what's the next question mark six belts means Mark six lifts who who's why are people going on about Marx 6 belts I don't know appear it appears to be something something cool to talk about in the community in the community imagine people are getting desperate