May 20th, 2022 Video Shatter Rebar

May 20th, 2022 Video

Shatter Rebar

Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-QYMHs1aTyOs,400.48333333333335,454.51666666666665">[ YouTube - May 20th, 2022 Video - Shatter Rebar]</ref>



that's the stun rebirth the next one I want to talk about is the shatter rebar so the shadow rebar is essentially, it's essentially a shotgun so it functions the same way as like a typical classical shotgun in games right, so it it sends out like a bunch of smaller rebars so yeah it essentially shoots out smaller rebars that split up, and you know deals damage over a distance, one key thing to note here is that the damage that's dealt from the rebar gun, it there's no like damage, distance fall off so like it's not like in any typical shooter where you know the further away someone is from your shotgun you know the less damage it will take, however you know these rebars will split up so like enemies will be hit by fewer of them, so in that sense it will maybe deal a bit less damage from a distance, but you know overall it will function pretty much like a regular shotgun in a game all right and lastly I want to talk about