September 7th, 2021 Livestream Snutt & Jace Talk: New Feature, Horizontal Conveyor Lifts

September 7th, 2021 Livestream

Snutt & Jace Talk: New Feature, Horizontal Conveyor Lifts

Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-QUoQmBBPHlI">[ YouTube - September 7th, 2021 Livestream - Snutt & Jace Talk: New Feature, Horizontal Conveyor Lifts]</ref>




all right so, we've added horizontal conveyor lifts, this was something that I think a lot of people were were really looking forward to, you know when we added lifts to the game we we we were a little bit like we weren't thinking in two dimensions probably oh we weren't thinking with portals no we weren't thinking about portals and let me just be clear on what what this feature is snoop was kind of he was kind of laughing at the end of the teaser the trailer there because I said something funny just before we came live yeah but these are horizontal conveyor lifts all right so, as you can see they're we think we think people will get really creative with these and that they're you know really looking forward to using them and, maybe people feel like wait audio or do we not high audio what's going on you guys are actually doing the muted thing or they're doing the muted thing they got you they got you goddamn it I can never trust chat but different yes and if you- I think maybe some people were like skeptical like why would you have this like there were a lot of people really wanted this like like final saber here is saying so can vary about no no horizontal lifts okay they're not they're not conveyor belts okay not the same thing and this this was this was really requested like if you check our qa site like there were a lot of votes for this so I don't know add horizontal list to more easily move things so yeah as you can see when you breach that 1200 votes mark, we'll add whatever you want right so like you can see this one has actually you know gone over that so we thought, yeah it's about time we got around to it I think you know we haven't really done anything between then and now we thought maybe we would do something about it but like, you know people were saying you know after they saw the the the trailer the video that we put out last week that you know a lot of people are saying it's so great to see devs who listen to their community we thought you know we would do I'm are you laughing there's something sorry someone said something from my dad sent me something funny oh he's said he's something okay you're that your dad's a clown he said yeah he's a he's a real jokester he really is, yeah but, what was I saying, yeah so that's just another example of you know we we look at the qa site and we give you guys what you want so hmm for sure