October 15th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: Any update on the Hover Pack getting stuck going up/down?

October 15th, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: Any update on the Hover Pack getting stuck going up/down?


Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-QUH4byQlffI">[https://youtu.be/QUH4byQlffI YouTube - October 15th, 2024 Livestream - Q&A: Any update on the Hover Pack getting stuck going up/down?]</ref>



any update on the hover pack getting stuck going up down, off the wait didn't the patch notes I'm going to have to cheat here sorry my head is actually spinning a bit oh actually let me post here are the patch notes by the way on Reddit now oh awesome no longer deleted what was the question, any update on the bug with the hover pack getting stuck going up and down wait what that's a first I've never heard that a bug before all right cool that I guess that's that answer that question no there's nothing on it in the patch notes wasn't that a, hang on no- I don't I've never heard of that issue before until now I think I'm thinking of drones actually not the hover pack yeah there was a bug where crash on drones yeah when you, dismounted it at a time at the takeoff sequence it happens after sliding okay interesting wait wait wait


soart it starts flying upwards or ducking infinitely nonstop is it like a thing where if you press like alt or whatever or alt and control or shift it's it work works again or is it something else cuz I've I don't think I've heard that it's an old bug but it checks that fly out without input I thought we fixed that a long time ago I don't know basically Miss I haven't heard too many people complain about this but maybe people maybe it's been in the game like maybe that bug has been in the W in the game for so long that like people just like normalized it the bug is back okay interesting is it like on server is it a, is it back since 1.0 like 1.0 1.0.0 zero or is it like one of the hot fixes they like come back from there Co Carnage complains about it all the time most complain about bug from him interesting weird that I've never seen that happen it was an update8 cuz I saw the fix like I because there was one bug when you were flying it would like push you up and down but we did make make a fix for that in update 8 and I haven't gotten that since then I'm getting live updates here from QA by the way, the hover pack thing is is a known issue and it's only for clients apparently okay so maybe maybe only fix it for for server and then we didn't fix up a client


so yeah