November 7th, 2023 Livestream Snutt Talk: Overflowing production

November 7th, 2023 Livestream

Snutt Talk: Overflowing production

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so rotors 10 for minute 10 set oh this is from the old setting, I first of all I need to know how many am I make maybe I just put don't four we're making eight per minute awesome so we can almost build one that's better than nothing you know honestly better than not producing at all so, say hello so we'll do a and the other one Stater right I think I'm making way more than 10 though, we can't check that though because that factor is very far away by very far away it's far I mean it's far away enough for me to not have the energy to go get it so we're going to do this thing again going to put a smart very very nicely that beautiful, smart splitter right is Overflow this is where you know when people ask about like the possibility to like set on the belt or whatever calculate like how the troops think this is one of those cases where it' be nice to have that, why is it stopping I haven't connected the belts cuz it crashed sorry it I mean it's it nothing happened it ran perfectly oh cool, wait, wait what why is there rotors in both, that's a bit concerning did I, what which one okay now wait which one should have R this one should be Stater there's one rotor there wait what what where did that come from because you put in the other first that is that belt connected maybe it was I didn't think that belt was connected okay that makes sense this is why I like playing this game while I stream cuz like I'll be doing this like like offline and I'll be going insane as like why isn't this working this is also an interesting bug now it's ni did you see what did you see that the difference though you did you see the difference cuz there's a difference and it's like unless you know you know unless you know what what the difference was sorry if you don't know what the difference was you know like compl- I'm like like not I'm playing the game okay like I'm just saying there are things in this game that are not super obvious, some of these are books anyways this BG should not exist it's partly well I haven't worked on it so long so I don't think I can make those claims anymore there certainly were cases where when I was like when I stopped doing, coding and then somebody else took over the stuff that I was doing and I started seeing bugs that I was like this is literally impossible to happen and then I find out that like oh they rewrote like parts of that system and I'm like all right that explains but that is a very common, thing as a programmer we like you are so dead certain that you have understood A system that you made I think this is the main difference between a good good program or a bad program right like you're so certain of that you know how a system is made and then when something contradicts that instead of going where did I mess up a lot of people go that's impossible that can't happen I don't know if that's actually a like whether you're good or not at program but that's a common thing I see in programmers it's like don't you dare question my my my system that I made it can't be wrong I think it's more in in like in their head but they're saying that out loud so it sounds like they're like anyways, why is this am not getting any more did I run out of the things no it's still coming oh sorry no it's this is consuming more than it's not we're all good, we have Motors we can build the stuff do I have enough other [ __ ] I'm going to dump the stuff that I don't need code in where machines randomly Catch Fire and the whole de like we hav even remot catch fire yeah what the hell add bugs how do you know that it's not me adding all these bugs like oh look at the programmers oh they messed up and meanwhile I'm the backing go like deleting code all right